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What is express indirectly in the following statements?

Frage: What is express indirectly in the following statements?
(1 Antwort)

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How will you vote, Senator? (Name des Buches: English G; Band B6; für das 10.
Schuljahr; Corbelsen)

a) "People were lobbying the senators heavily to vote one way or the other." (p. 44, l. 55)

b) "To have lunch with them was the least he could do." (p. 45 l. 35)
-To have lunch with them was the least he could do for them because they are the supporters for his campaign and they had done a lot for senator young, so he could become Senator.

c) "We are concerned about the debate in the Senate. " (p. 45 l. 61)
-That they are concerned means that they fear that most of the senators will vote for military aid but for economic aid.

d) "I would say a large number of voters in your state will enjoy full employment." (p. 45 l. 92)
-That sentence wants to express that senator young have sure to be elected again, that people will vote for him again, when they are employed and when in his state there is full employmend when the people in his statebhave got jabs.

e) "It is important to look at all aspects off an issue." (p. 46 l. 27)

Hallo, bei dem aufgabe habe ich 2 aufgaben leider nicht verstanden, bitte hilft mir! Und kontrolliert auch noch bitte die aufgaben die ich gemacht habe, da bin ich mir nicht sicher! (Grammatik, rectscreiben, etc.)
Frage von moerve (ehem. Mitglied) | am 19.09.2013 - 00:47

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Antwort von haithabu (ehem. Mitglied) | 19.09.2013 - 11:27
a) "People were lobbying the senators heavily to vote one way or the other." (p. 44,
l. 55)

People with different political or economical interests tried to influence the senator to vote for their case.

b) "To have lunch with them was the least he could do." (p. 45 l. 35)
-To have lunch with them was the least he could do for them because they are the supporters for his campaign and they had done a lot for
Senator Young, so he could become Senator.

Du könntest noch schreiben:
they had done a lot for
him by supporting his campaign with "large amounts of money"

c) "We are concerned about the debate in the Senate. " (p. 45 l. 61)
[--]"They are concerned" means that they fear that most of the senators will vote for military aid but for economic aid.

Das Gegenteil ist richtig:

they fear that most of the senators will NOT vote for military aid but for economic aid
They are concerned, because their state depends largely on the output of military equipment; a vote for economic aid instead would influence the jobs in the state`s industries in a negative way..

d) "I would say a large number of voters in your state will enjoy full employment." (p. 45 l. 92)
-That sentence wants to express that Senator Young can besure to be elected again because the people of his statewill vote for him again, when they are employed and when in his state there is full employment so that the people in his state will have got jobs.

e) "It is important to look at all aspects off an issue." (p. 46 l. 27)

Hier könntest du schreiben, dass der Senator emotional zwar die Argumente der Studenten versteht, er aber alle Aspekte einer Fragestellung berücksichtigen muss, und in diesem Falle ist ihm die Wirtschft seines Staates und damit seine mögliche Wiederwahl wichtiger als die leidenden Menschen in Entwicklungsländern. Er wird also für die Militärhilfe stimmen.

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