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Shakespeare stundenvortrag

Frage: Shakespeare stundenvortrag
(21 Antworten)

Beiträge 277
William Shakespeare was born in Stratford upon Avon. His parents named John and Mary Shakespeare.

In the year 1571 Shakespeare probably enters the grammar school,where he stays seven years to being the usual age for admission.
He marries in year 1582 Anne Hathaway of Shottery. She was 6 years older than Shakespeare
His first children called Susanna and was born in 1583.
Three years later they became twins. They called Hamnet and Judith.
He writes a lots of Dramas but the famous are Hamlet and Macbeth. He writes Hamlet in the year 1600.
In 1616 Shakespeare dies on April 23rd. His burial is recorded in the register of Stratford`s Holy Trinity Church on April 25th Anne Hathaway Shakespeare dies in 1623.

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Bitte um Hilfe -- danke im Voraus!
Frage von yy92 | am 10.04.2013 - 19:56

Beiträge 277
Antwort von yy92 | 14.04.2013 - 11:25
@ Astrofan
danke danke danke :))

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