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shakespeare text zusammenfassen

Frage: shakespeare text zusammenfassen
(7 Antworten)

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ehrlich gesagt habe ich den text nicht richtig verstanden kann den mir mal jmd erklären? und danach meine Fehler berichtigen bzw etwas ergänzen?

Danke im voraus!

Performing plays in Shakespeare´s time

The text ´´ Performing plays in Shakespeare´s time" written by Bill Bryson 2007, is about the important plays.
The plays started at 2 o clock in the afternoon. Everyone cames and sits to watch the play. The highest place is the best place because you are able to see everything better. The money was dropped in a box at a box office. The top plays are Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth and Cleopatra.
Frage von yy92 | am 18.02.2013 - 14:39

Beiträge 277
Antwort von yy92 | 18.02.2013 - 16:32
ich habe den Text nicht im Internet gefunden also tippe ich den einfach ab

Plays were performed at about two o´clock in the afternoon. Handbills were distributed through the streets advertising what was on offer and citizens were reminded that a play was soon start with the appearance of a banner waving from the highest part of the structure in which the performance was to take place and a fanfare of trumpets that could be hears across much of the city. general admission for groundlings- those who stood in the open around the stage was a penny. Those who wished to sit paid a penny more,
and those who desired a cushion paid another penny on top of that all this at a time when day´s wage was one shilling 12 pence or less. The money was dropped in a box and a box office. There was little scenery and no curtains no way to distinguish day from night fog from sunshine battlefield from boudoir other than through audience´s imagination. A particular challenge for audience and performers alike must surely have been powerful and expensive female roler Cleopatra Juliet, MaCBeth, Desdemona the actors must have been gifted dissemblers indeed

In unserem Buch steht der Text so.

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Antwort von goldenoldie (ehem. Mitglied) | 19.02.2013 - 10:16
Performing plays in Shakespeare´s time

The text ´´ Performing plays in Shakespeare´s time" written by Bill Bryson in 2007, is about [---] important plays.
The plays started at 2 o clock in the afternoon. Everyone came and stood or sat to watch the play. The highest place was the best place because you were able to see everything better. The money was dropped into a box at a box office. The top plays
were Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth and Anthony and Cleopatra.

mit dem Ausgangstext hat deine Zusammenfassung wenig zu tun.
Im letzten Satz geht es nicht um die "top plays" sondern um die "Verstellungskunst" der Männer, die die großen Frauenrollen (Julia, Lady Macbeth, Desdemona in Othello und Cleopatra in "Anthony and Cleopatra") spielen mussten.

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Antwort von yy92 | 19.02.2013 - 17:06
ALSO SOll ich eine neue Zusammenfassung schreiben?

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Antwort von goldenoldie (ehem. Mitglied) | 19.02.2013 - 18:59
Was du sollst, musst du doch selbst wissen.

Beachte: 1)der Text ist schon stark komprimiert, dass man ihn kaum noch zusammenfassen kann. 2) es geht hier nicht um "große Shakespeare-Theaterstücke" sondern um das Theater zu Shakespeare-Zeit.

Du solltest in etwa schreiben:
a) der Text handelt vom Theater zur Zeit Shakespeares.
b) es wurde nachmittags gespielt
c) die Bühne enthielt kaum Kulissen
d) die Zuschauer standen entweder vor der Bühne oder saßen auf den teureren Plätzen auf den Rängen.
e) auch Frauenrollen wurden von Männern gespielt

Weißt du eigentlich, wie man z.B. eine Nachtszene darstellte?
Denk mal an das berühmte Zitat bei Romeo: "Es war die Nachtigall und nicht die Lerche!" = die N. steht für Nacht und die L. für den anbrechenden Tag/Morgen;

oder aber man sagte einfach: "Siehst du den vollen Mond dort hinter den Wäldern aufgehen?"

Beiträge 277
Antwort von yy92 | 20.02.2013 - 15:41
vielen Dank mehr habe ich auch nicht zusammenfassen können.

The text ´´ Performing plays in Shakespeare´s time" written by Bill Bryson in 2007, is about the theathre while Shakespears time. The plays started at 2 o clock in the afternoon. A significant problem in the former time was under that there wasn´t backdrop, that is why the audience must stood or payes for the expensive seatings to sat. The money was into a box at a box office. The female roles were played by men like Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth and Anthony and Cleopatra

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Antwort von goldenoldie (ehem. Mitglied) | 20.02.2013 - 18:58
The text ´´ Performing plays in Shakespeare´s time" written by Bill Bryson in 2007, is about the theatre in the time of Shakespeare. The plays started at 2 o clock in the afternoon. A significant problem then was [---] that there wasn´t a backdrop. [---] The audience had to stand in front of the stageor had to pay for seats in upper ranks. The
entrance fee was put into a box at a box office. The female roles were played by men as for example Juliet, Lady Macbeth, Desdemona in Othello or Cleopatra in Anthony and Cleopatra

Beiträge 277
Antwort von yy92 | 20.02.2013 - 19:02
vielen dank wirklich ich muss das morgen vortragen :)

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