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American Dream /Wounded Knee/ Hilfe für 2 Aufgaben?

Frage: American Dream /Wounded Knee/ Hilfe für 2 Aufgaben?
(3 Antworten)

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ich habe Englischhausaufgaben auf.
Unser Thema ist American Dream bwz Wounded Knee: An Eyewitness

ich verstehe 2 Aufgaben nicht?
ich habe keine Ideen was ich schreiben soll.

1,in what sense was the shooting att Wounded Knee Creek a one-sided affair?
2. Can you imagine why wounded Knee has become a symbol for American indians today?

Habt ihr Ideen was ich schreiben soll?

Danke im Voraus :)
Frage von meneksem (ehem. Mitglied) | am 17.09.2012 - 21:22

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Antwort von meneksem (ehem. Mitglied) | 17.09.2012 - 21:23
p.s. Der Text, den wir gelesen haben.

In the morning the soldiers began to take all the guns away from the Big Foots, who were camped in the flat below the little hill where the monument and burying ground are now. The people had stacked most of their guns, and even their knives, by the tepee where Big Foot was lying sick. Soldiers were on the little hill and all around, and there were soldiers across the dry gulch to the south and over east along Wounded Knee Creek too. The people were nearly surrounded, and the wagon-guns [Hotchkiss machine guns] were pointing at them.
Some had not yet given up their guns, and so the soldiers were searching all the tepees.... There was a man called Yellow Bird, and he and another man were standing in front of the tepee where Big Foot was lying sick.... An officer came to search them. He took the other man`s gun, and then started to take Yellow Bird`s. But Yellow Bird would not let go. He wrestled with the officer, and while they were wrestling, the gun went off and killed the officer. Wasichus [white men] and some others have said he meant to do this, but Dog Chief was standing right there, and he told me it was not so. As soon as the gun went off, Dog Chief told me, an officer shot and killed Big Foot who was lying sick inside the tepee.

Then suddenly nobody knew what was happening, except that the soldiers were all shooting and the wagon-guns began going off right in among the people.

Many were shot down right there. The women and children ran into the gulch and up west, dropping all the time, for the soldiers shot them as they ran. There were only about a hundred warriors and there were nearly five hundred soldiers. The warriors rushed to where they had piled their guns and knives. They fought soldiers with only their hands until they got their guns.

Dog Chief saw Yellow Bird run into a tepee with his gun, and from there he killed soldiers until the tepee caught fire. Then he died full of bullets.

It was a good winter day when all this happened. The sun was shining. But after the soldiers marched away from their dirty work, a heavy snow began to fall. The wind came up in the night. There was a big blizzard, and it grew very cold. The snow drifted deep in the crooked gulch, and it was one long grave of butchered women and children and babies, who had never done any harm and were only trying to run away....

When I look back now from this high hill of my old age, I can still see the butchered women and children lying heaped and scattered all along the crooked gulch as plain as when I saw them with eyes still young. And I can see that something else died there in the bloody mud, and was buried in the blizzard. A people`s dream died there. It was a beautiful dream.

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Antwort von goldenoldie (ehem. Mitglied) | 17.09.2012 - 21:36
zu 1) die amerik. Soldaten warteten nur auf einen Anlass gegen die Indianer vorzugehen.
als sie das versteckte Gewehr entdeckten und sich der Schuss in dem Gerangel löste, war dies das Zeichen für den "Angriff" -- d.h. das Massaker gegen die anfangs wehrlosen Indianer begann.
"Einseitig" deswegen, weil 500 bewaffnete Soldaten ca 100 Indianischen Männern gegenüber standen, die - auch wenn sie ihre versteckten gewehre noch holen konnten - unterlegen waren. Hinzu kam, dass die soldaten wahllos auf Männer, Frauen und Kinder schossen.

zu 2. Bis heute ist "wounded Knee" für die amerik. Indianer das Symbol für die Grausamkeit/Unbarmherzigkeit cder Weißen gegenüber den einheimischen Indiandern.

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Antwort von meneksem (ehem. Mitglied) | 17.09.2012 - 21:41
Danke für deine schnelle Antwort :)

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