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Frage: verbessern
(1 Antwort)

Beiträge 255
könnte jemand meine fehler korrigieren?
vielen dank
Motorway is what everyone needs, it is something ordinary.

But in former times people had not such comfortable ways as
we have nowadays. In my opinion there are advantages about
motorways in urban areas. So you get faster to your aim
e.g. to work or commuters can drive through the city and
they don`t have to make detours. If more motorways are built
more people could have work.
But of course, there are also disadvantages.
For the people living in towns with motorways it
is very noisy , e.g. in the night, especially at
the weekend the noise can wake you up. Moreover,
there are a lot of gridlocks and traffic jams in town.
Therefore, there is more emission and the air gets polluted.
To build a motorway it`s very expensive and you even have to
destroy houses to have free space
Frage von bega | am 27.06.2012 - 16:48

Beiträge 0
Antwort von goldenoldie (ehem. Mitglied) | 27.06.2012 - 19:50
Motorways [---] everyone needs are common for us. .
But in former times people didn`t have such comfortable roads as we have nowadays. In my opinion there are advantages of motorways in urban areas. [---] you get faster to your aim
[--- würde ich weglassen,
sonst macht nämlich die Weiterführung mit Pendlern keinen Sinn] or commuters can drive through the city without having to make detours. If more motorways were built
more people could have work. [[unbewiesene, hieraus nicht abzuleitende Behauptung]]
But of course, there are also disadvantages.
For the people living in towns with motorways it
is very noisy , e.g. in the night, especially at
the weekend the noise can wake you up. Moreover,
there are a lot of gridlocks and traffic jams in town.
Therefore, there are more emissions and the air gets polluted.
It`s very expensive to build a motorway and you even have to
destroy houses for street construction zones

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