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inhalt einer Novel korrigieren

Frage: inhalt einer Novel korrigieren
(2 Antworten)

Beiträge 255
könnt ihr bitte meinen text korrigieren?
The novel tells the story of a murder which happened 20 years ago.
The main character is Sheila who is married to Giles. They are well off and so they decide to have a home. Therefore Sheila should choose a house on her own because Giles is on a business trip. Sheila finds the perfect villa in Dillmouth. But as Sheila visits the villa it seems very known to her. She remembers the door that led from drawing –room to dining –room, the garden steps and even the wallpaper in the nursery. Then while she is standing on the stairs in the corridor she suddenly gets a vision in which she sees a dead person who she calls Helen. Sheila wants to know who was Helen and what had happened. After she had put an advertisement in lots of papers she meets people who knew Helen. Through this she finds out that Helen was her step mother. She wants to meet Lliy, the nurse but she get also strangled from the same murderer like Helen. The murder occurred in reality as Sheila was still a child. There are three suspicious persons. Later Sheila is nearly alone at home. The murderer appears again and wants to kill her. Fortunately, Miss Marple comes in the right moment and the murderer can be seized by the police.
Was heißt Hauptverdächtige auf englisch?
Frage von bega | am 07.09.2011 - 21:40

Beiträge 602
Antwort von Lamina_cribrosa | 07.09.2011 - 23:12
Hauptverdächtige/r heißt auf Englisch main suspect.

She remembers the door that led from drawing –room to dining –room

würde ich
"she recognizes the door which leads from the drawing room to the dining room" schreiben.
Und anstatt
...a vision in which she sees a dead person who she calls Helen.

"a vision in which she sees a dead person who calls her `Helen`"

Und noch paar Vorschläge:

Sheila wants to know who was Helen and what had happened to her.
The murder occurred in reality when Sheila was still a child.
Fortunately, Miss Marple comes at the right moment and so the murderer can be arrested by the police.

Beiträge 0
Antwort von zeY (ehem. Mitglied) | 08.09.2011 - 14:57
gutes vokabular , blos ich finde du solltest die sätze miteinander verknüpfen. die sätze wirken so noch etwas zu abgehakt

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