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Frage: report
(1 Antwort)

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This report will consider the eating habits of my class for the Austrian and Hungarian teachers to organize a joint school project on healthy eating.
Of course I have interviewed all my classmates and now I would like to show you the results of the interview.

We are twenty eight students in my class and I asked them questions to find out their eating habits. Approximately twenty three students prefer to eat fast food and nineteen of them love to eat many sweet things. Fortunately twelve classmates are interested in health questions and seven eat the accurate daily ration fruits and vegetables. Moreover only fourteen pupils ingest the essential meal the breakfast.

I was very shocked when I found out what they think about a balanced diet. Especially the number of students who prefer eating fast food is higher than I assumed. It is important to show such pupils how unhealthy this diet is and how it could affect their body and also their health. I would suggest arranging a varied project to show the students how important it is to subsist correct.

-nutrition consultation
-cookery course
-properly nutritional protocol
-TV reports of obese and their problems

Project proposal:
Maybe we can arrange some workshops where the pupils are allowed to cook their own healthy and balanced meal. What is more is that they should be allowed to ask a lot of questions so we have to invite dietary adviser, who can give them advices how to change the diet. I think this day should encourage the students to regard what they eat and how important it is for them to ingest a varied diet.

verbessrungsvorschläge wären nett Smile
Frage von kirstn (ehem. Mitglied) | am 03.06.2011 - 14:52

Beiträge 0
Antwort von Senkura (ehem. Mitglied) | 04.06.2011 - 01:01
This report will consider the eating habits of my class for the Austrian as well as for the Hungarian teachers...based on healthy eating. Self-evidently I have interviewed all my classmates and now I would like to show you the results of the interview.

We are twenty eight students "(in my class,
ist offensichtlich)" and I asked them about their eating habits. Approximately twenty three students prefer to eat fast food and nineteen of them love sweets. Fortunately twelve classmates are interested in health "questions" and seven of them eat the daily ration of fruits and vegetables. Nevertheless only fourteen students ingest the essential meal "for?" breakfast.

I was very shocked, when I figured out what they think about a balanced diet. Especially the number of students who prefer eating fast food is higher than I assumed. Therefore it is important to show them, how unhealthy fast food really is "diet, du meinst wahscheinlich fast food"and how it affects not only their body but also their health. I would suggest arranging a varied project to show the students, how important it is to "have a balanced diet"/healthy diet.

-nutrition consultation
-cookery course
-properly nutritional protocol
-TV reports of obese and their problems

Project proposal:
We may arrange workshops, where the students are allowed to cook their own healthy and balanced meal. Much more important, however, is that they should be allowed to ask questions and with the support of a dietary adviser, the advices can be implemented more precisely in order to change their "diets". Könnte besser sein, bisschen spät.

The following points and aspects should encourage students to regard about their eating habits and how important it is to eat a varied diet.

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