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Teenager English Text

Frage: Teenager English Text
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Angus Bethune`s moment
-He is an outside because he is a fat kind and named after a cow.
-Melissa is important in his life because he love till her kindergarten time.
.Angus`s moment becomes possible because the ohter were paid to vote him

I think in Angus`s life has change very much because he has dances with the lady, who is his love.

I am agree with it because a lot of students have problems.
Another reason is that fat people bullyed by other or they were discriminated.
The cooler people bully the fat children, like in the story, so the life is very hard for the bullied kids.
I think the story is good because it tells about some problems the teenager have.
Frage von QuizMan (ehem. Mitglied) | am 20.04.2011 - 10:06

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