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(2 Antworten)

ich hab ein problemmmmm
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Racism- a problem for everyone

Chicago-I work as a builder and my company often renovates old buildings in the most dangerous parts of the city.
I have occasionally felt scared, but as a Taiwanese-American .I always thought I was somehow safer than the white Americans who work with me.
But last week I went to the Gurnee district, where the black community is boycotting a Taiwanese foodstore. A friend who is a reporter had asked me to act as an interpreter. It was only when I saw the store from the car that I thought that, this time, I might be in more danger than my white friend.
My parents were themselves the owners of a store. As a child I watched them struggle for years and years so that we could have a better future. Politics and the outside world were not really important for them. The family always came first. I and many of my friends have kept these attitudes.
Of course we know about the many cases where black people have been attacked or murdered, or have suffered bad treatment at the hands of the police. But I never felt that they involved me, or my people, and I was thankful for that.
The situation in Gurnee is different. I really cannot understand why this boycott is taking place.
The area badly needs shops and services and the Taiwanese businessmen who started the store have put a lot of their own money into it. They expected the black people of the neighbourhood to support their initiative, and now of course they feel deeply disappointed at the reaction.
There have been several demonstrations, and leaflets have asked people not to shop at stores run by “foreigners”. Demonstrators have even threatened burn down the store. The owners are scared and spend every night in the store. They do not want to see their dream destroyed. I never thought racism was a problem for me, but I know that I was wrong. It is my problem and your problem. It is a problem for everyone.

was Wu L. Chan written this article for the Chicago Daily Herald?
2.).) Why have some members of the black community in Gurnee turned against the Taiwanese businessmen in their neighbourhood?
ANONYM stellte diese Frage am 20.03.2011 - 12:19

Antwort von GAST | 20.03.2011 - 18:20
Kannst du bitte mal alle Fragen hier einstellen,
und zwar in einer Form dass man sie lesen kann (also ohne Rechtschreibfehler und Buchstabendreher)) vielleicht können wir dann helfen.

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Antwort von nachteule8989 (ehem. Mitglied) | 20.03.2011 - 18:25
The text in general is about racism, so the answer on the question 2 would be: "Even though the black community needs shops they are not willing to cooperate with different nations. The reasons could be not only racism itself, but also some kind of pride black community in that region has."
I see it that way, correct me if I`m wrong...

Der Text ist ueber den Rassismus, also die Antwort fuer die zweite Frage lautet: "Obwohl die schwarze Gesellschaft die Geschaefte braucht, will sie mit anderen Nationen nicht mitarbiten. Die Grunde dafur sind im allgemeinen nicht nur Rassismus, sondern auch dieser Stolz, den die schwarze Gesellschaft hat.
Ich verstehe dieses Problem so, ich kann aber mich irren... :)

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