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Morus, Thomas - Utopia: Text "Matchmaking" gesucht

Frage: Morus, Thomas - Utopia: Text "Matchmaking" gesucht
(1 Antwort)

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kennt jemand den text matchmaking aus seinem buch "utopia" und kann mir den inhalt kurz beschreiben?
oder kann mir sagen wo ich den im internet finde?
Frage von lili_ (ehem. Mitglied) | am 20.02.2011 - 11:59

Antwort von GAST | 20.02.2011 - 15:49
eine Übersetzung des Buches findest du hier:,%20Thomas%20-%20Utopia.pdfunter dem folgenden link
findest du die folgende Textstelle:
Text 8 Matchmaking
The woman is not married before she be eighteen years old. The man is four years older before he marry. (...) Furthermore,
in choosing wives and husbands they observe earnestly and straitly a custom which seemed to us very fond and foolish. For a sad and an honest matron sheweth the woman, be she maid or widow, naked to the wooer. And likewise a sage and discreet man exhibiteth the wooer naked to the woman. At this custom we laughed, and disallowed it as foolish. But they, on the other part, do greatly wonder at the folly of all other nations which, in buying a colt, whereas a little money is in hazard, be so chary and circumspect, that though he be almost all bare, yet they will not buy him unless the saddle and all the harness be taken off, lest under those coverings be hid some gall or sore. And yet in choosing a wife, which shall be either pleasure or displeasure to them all their life after, they be so reckless, that all the residue of the woman`s body being covered with clothes, they esteem her scarcely by one handbreadth (for they can see no more but her face), and so to join her to them not without great jeopardy of evil agreeing together, if anything in her body afterward should chance to offend and mislike them. For all men be not so wise as to have respect to the virtuous conditions of the party. And the endowments of the body cause the virtues of the mind more to be esteemed and regarded, yea, even in the marriages of wise men.
Ibid., pp. 99-l00

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