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Englisch-text bitte korrigieren simple present

Frage: Englisch-text bitte korrigieren simple present
(2 Antworten)

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Könnt ihr das mal bitte korrigieren ? Habe da bestimmt einige Fehler drin :S

The Three Peaks Challenge Summary

The story is about Alistair, Russell, Russell’s dad, and his dad’s friend Andy, how they do the 40 km walk in Yorkshire.
They have to go over three mountains: The Pen-y-ghent, the Whernside and the Ingleborough. It is told from Alistair’s point of view.
The 4 people are the only person who do this walk, because of the month. It is a long way so they packs everything necessary. At half past eight, they gets up Pen-y-ghent. It is the easiest of the three.
Then the long way to Whernside. This is probably the hardest one, because you go straight up.
When the 4 are at the top they firstly do a five minutes break, eats their sandwiches and moves on. At the top of Whernside, Russell and Alistair left Russell’s dad and Andy. So Alistair and Russell go down on their own. They went up Ingleborough, this is probably the worst one, then they just go down the wrong side. They go without a map. Russell’s dad and Andy did it in ten hours. Alistair and Russell comes half an hour later.
All of them get a badge. It was brilliant and a great
Frage von mehiistdiebeste (ehem. Mitglied) | am 20.01.2011 - 16:29

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Antwort von Desire03 (ehem. Mitglied) | 23.01.2011 - 13:10
Hallo mehiistdiebeste,

The 4 people are the only person who do this walk,
because of the month.

außerdem würde ich den Satz ab because umschreiben, zB "wegen der Jahreszeit" oder sowas.

Zitat: they packs everything necessary

-> so they pack_ <- ohne s.

they gets up

-> they get

It is the easiest of the three.

"the eastiest" was? the easiest walk or the easiest mountain?

..because you go straight up.

-> ich würde "you have to go straight up" schreiben, zu schreiben "man geht.." klingt etwas komisch in dem Satz.

a five minutes break, eats their sandwiches and moves on.

-> a five-minute break
-> eat / move

Alistair and Russell comes half an hour later.

-> come, aber ich würde eher "came" schreiben, da du im Satz zuvor auch in der Vergangenheit geschrieben hast.

Der letzte Satz ist nicht ganz vollständig, von daher kann man da nichts korrigieren ;)


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Antwort von mehiistdiebeste (ehem. Mitglied) | 23.01.2011 - 13:18
@Desire03 vielen Dank für deine ausführliche korrektion :D

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