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bitte korriegieren

Frage: bitte korriegieren
(2 Antworten)

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What is child labor?
Worldwide there work 320 million children, from that are 220 million child employments.
Besides about 130 million children are active in dangerous works. These figures and other facts are booked by the diagram.
Most children work from the 3rd year. They are forced by their parents from work, or in most cases it will be disclosed as a pledge of large landowners. If the parents still have debt, then the children have to work off the debt of the parents. The daughters are given by the families to wealthy families. They must live therefore in a foreign house and serve the family. Most children eat been placed in strange houses as servants get something, a small property, which they usually have to sleep on the floor. Such children must contribute to securing the existence of the entire family. If both parents are absent these children on the street live. The bigger ones have to go for the smaller worries which must also again work to earn some money. These are mostly the children between from 5 to 17 years who work 13 hours or more on one day. They work in carpet industries, silk industries, knitwear industries and copper industries, match factories and in many other different areas. Many of the children, particularly the girls are violated by the employers on the bad wise one.
Frage von halilaltintop (ehem. Mitglied) | am 08.12.2010 - 23:05

Antwort von GAST | 08.12.2010 - 23:38

bitte korriegieren

Bitte korrigieren....

Beiträge 653
Antwort von Geissbock | 09.12.2010 - 05:05
Ich hoffe du brauchst das nicht bis morgen (bzw. heute), denn dann hättest du wohl etwas früher um Hilfe bitten sollen.
Ich würde dir ja helfen, aber bei einigen Sätzen bin ich mir nicht mal sicher was die bedeuten sollen ...

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