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Text : Native Americans

Frage: Text : Native Americans
(1 Antwort)

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Hallo liebe Helfer... Mal wieder habe ich mal eben ein Text geschrieben als Übung für meine Klassenarbeit am Freitag und hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen bzw meine Grammtikalischen Fehler anzeigen und wie man den Text verbessern kann.. Danke im Vorraus .

MfG Persianboy

1615 : The Life of Wampanoag / Native Americans and Pilgrims (English colonists)
In 1615 , the boys had hunted animals , fished fishes , made the fire and prepared bow and arrow . In contrast to the girl, they hadn`t cooked the dinner and played with the doll .
Moreover the Wampanoag hadn’t a easy life , because they hadn`t had experience about how to milk an animal or how to a very well harvest with the maize(corn), beans and squash.
Some Years later , 101 colonists from England had came to them, but not to have a war .On the contrary the wanted to have peace and they wanted to had their own religious. In additionally the colonist had known more than then Wampanoag and so they had learned how to have a better life . They learned them to heal the diseases ,helped to make better clothes for the winter ,how to milk the animals and how to do a good harvest.
So the very well harvest had began and so was then created the Thanksgiving by the Pilgrims and Wampanoag.
Now at the Thanksgiving , the family and friends come together and eat a turkey and thank each one for the good things which they had done for their lives.
Frage von PersianBoy (ehem. Mitglied) | am 08.12.2010 - 17:18

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Antwort von PersianBoy (ehem. Mitglied) | 08.12.2010 - 17:35
Brauche Drigend Hilfe ...
Heute noch ... und sorry for Spamm bzw diesen Posten .... Bitte nicht wegbannen ^^

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