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bitte kontrollieren

Frage: bitte kontrollieren
(8 Antworten)

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The poem “The Icingbus” is about an old, hunchbacked man offering his seat in a bus to a blind lady. Both are outsiders and the other people in the bus do not want to stay near them. But the old man is unaware of them. He only looks at the blind lady.

Later they decide to marry and the man wants to have a bus made of icing as a wedding-cake, but the woman says that a bus is for travelling and not for eating.
I think the poem says that the good character of somebody is more important than his outer appearance. The woman cannot see the old man and she loves him. Otherwise she could have prejudices, because the man does not look handsome and fashionable. Considering this you can say the text is criticism against prejudices. When you look at the structure, the looks, of the text you first can not understand its message, because first you are able to see only single words, some even written together so you could think that it is a mistake. But if you read the text twice and think about it, you will get the message. Then the form the poem is written in is not important any more.
I do not really like the poem, because there are so many poems like this which are against prejudices. I also dislike the form the poem is written in. There is no punctuation for example and I do not like the words written together.
But maybe the author does not want me to like it. As I already mentioned the poem is not written to be liked but to be understood. You have to think about it. If this is what the author wants he is successful in my case.
Frage von girly (ehem. Mitglied) | am 14.11.2010 - 10:37

Antwort von GAST | 14.11.2010 - 11:38
The poem “The Icingbus” is about an old, hunchbacked man who has offered(1) his seat in a bus to a blind lady. Both of them are outsiders and the other people in the bus do not want to stay near them. But the old man is unaware of them. He only looks at the blind lady.

Later they decide to marry and the man wants to have a bus made of icing as a wedding-cake, but the woman objects saying(2) that a bus is for travelling and not for eating.
I think the poem says that the good character of somebody is more important than his outer appearance. The woman cannot see the old man and she loves him. Otherwise she could have had prejudices, because the man does not look handsome and fashionable. Considering this you can say the text is criticism against prejudices. When you look at the structure, the looks, (3)of the text you first can not understand its message, because first you are only (4) able to see single words, some have even been (5)written together so you could think that it was a mistake. But if you read the text twice and think about it, you will get the message. Thenthe form the poem is written in is not important any more, then (6).
I do not really like the poem, because there are so many poems like this one which are against prejudices. I also dislike the form the poem is written in. There is no punctuation for example and I do not like [---] words being written together.
But maybe the author does not want me to like it. As I already mentioned the poem is not written to be liked but to be understood. You have to think about it. If this is what the author wants he has been (7)successful in my case.

There are some minor corrections I`d like to make:
You tend to using participle constructions very freely and elaborately; sometimes - that is my impression - other verb forms are to be preferred:
1) - pres.part = the act of doing something; you have to consider the shift of time here
2) I`d suggest this "stylistic improvement" here
3) I am not sure what you mean; delete "the looks"
4) you better put "only" befind the first auxiliary or at the end of the sentence
5) your past participle does not work here
6) It took me some time to understand the sentence, at first I thought of this typical German "false friend" then = denn; as "then" refers to the whole sentence you better but it last.
7) must be pres. perf. tense here.

In general: I do not think it is appropriate to refer to the "intention" of the author. When analyzing/interpreting literature you have to deal with the given text: you must find out how the text moves you, what do you think? are you struck emotionally, have you got associations that go beyond the text and the message conveyed in it?

Many students make the mistake of trying to find out, "what does the author want to tell me".

All in all a very good attempt.


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Antwort von girly (ehem. Mitglied) | 14.11.2010 - 11:51
Thank you. :)
Ich hätte noch eine frage, ich muss zu diesem Gedicht eine zusätzlich Strohe schreiben von mir selber, könnten sie mir vielleicht dabei helfen. Mir fällt nichts dazu ein was ich schreiben könnte.

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Antwort von zergtoeter (ehem. Mitglied) | 14.11.2010 - 11:59
Wieso macht ihr rechtschriebfehler :?

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Antwort von girly (ehem. Mitglied) | 14.11.2010 - 12:12
Was meinst du damit?

Antwort von GAST | 14.11.2010 - 12:17
When sitting in a greenhouse, don`t throw stones.: "Wieso macht ihr rechtschr ie bfehler :?"

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Antwort von girly (ehem. Mitglied) | 14.11.2010 - 12:18
Tut mir leid, ich verstehe nicht was ihr damit meint?

Antwort von GAST | 14.11.2010 - 13:14
Das bezog sich auf "zergtöter" , der fragte, warum wir Rechtschreibfehler machten (du hast nämlich "Strohe" statt "Strophe" geschrieben), und dabei selbst zwei Fehler machte ("rechtschriebfehler"); mit meinem Hinweis: wer im Glashaus sitzt, solle nicht mein Steinen werfen, wollte ich ihm klar machen, dass er selbst Fehler macht, er also nicht berechtigt ist, die Fehler anderer zu bemängeln, sondern sich lieber erst mal selbst um seine eigenen Fehler kümmern sollte.


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Antwort von girly (ehem. Mitglied) | 14.11.2010 - 14:21
Achso, jetzt habe ich es verstanden. Danke sehr. :D

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