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Hornby, Nick- Slam: Alles richtig?!

Frage: Hornby, Nick- Slam: Alles richtig?!
(7 Antworten)

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Hey Leute, ich hatte eine Hausaufgabe auf. Und zwar haben wir im Unterricht ein Ausschnitt aus dem buch `Slam` gelesen und nun sollten wir ca. 180 Wörter schreiben wie die Geschichte davor ausgesehen haben könnte und wie sie dannach weiter laufen könnte.

Dies habe ich auch getan. Da ich aber nicht so eine Leuchte in Englisch bin sind da bestimmt viele Rechtschreibfehler drin, bzw. Formulierungs- und Grammatikfehler. Es wäre wirklich nett von euch, wenn ihr was findest das ihr mir dann bescheid gebt und mir sagen könntet wie es sonst heißen müsste.

Hier der Text den ich geschrieben habe:

Four months ago, I finally found my great love, Alicia. We met at a skating area. My biggest hobby is skating, she had many friends who were also skate very often so we knew each other for some time. When I first saw her my heart was beating very fast. She was a very pretty girl. She is my first true love.
I told my mother first about Alicia, when we were together one month, because my mother had a lot of stress with her boyfriend. We are already 3 month together, that`s the reason why i slept with her. It was a very exciting feeling.

On my birthday alicia told me that she`s pregnant. In that moment I knew not what to say. I was confused. The next day we went to the gynecologist. He say that Alicia is pregnant. We chose the Alicia gets the baby. In the following months there were many problems between us. But we did it. On 12/05/2009 our child was born. There was a boy. We called him Nick. I got a job as a photographer.

Es wäre wirklich super wenn ihr mir helfen würdet, ich bekomme nämlich eine Note da drauf (;

Liebe Grüße
Frage von Der_Kommisar (ehem. Mitglied) | am 23.08.2010 - 14:36

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Antwort von flo18 (ehem. Mitglied) | 23.08.2010 - 15:03
Zeile 3: When I first saw her sagt man doch

" 4 : I told my mother first about Alicia ..hört sich besser an
" 6-7: Denk mal selbst drüber nach ^^
" 8 : Ich erzählte alicia das sie denkt sie is schwanger ? versteh ich nicht

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Antwort von Der_Kommisar (ehem. Mitglied) | 23.08.2010 - 15:14
Danke erstmal für deine Antwort.
" 8 sollte heißen : `An meinem Geburtstag sagte mir Alicia das sie schwanger sei.`
Was heißt das auf Englisch?

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Antwort von flo18 (ehem. Mitglied) | 23.08.2010 - 15:22
On my birthday alicia told me that she`s pregnant
Mit Zeile 6-7: Schreib lieber...wir sind schon 3 monate zsm we are already 3 month together, that`s the reason why i slept with her.

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Antwort von Der_Kommisar (ehem. Mitglied) | 23.08.2010 - 15:25
Danke für die Hilfe.
Und sonst war alles ok?!

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Antwort von flo18 (ehem. Mitglied) | 23.08.2010 - 15:33
8-9 :In that moment I don`t know what I should say
10: We decided that Alicia gets the baby.
also mehr fehler find ich nicht :)

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Antwort von Der_Kommisar (ehem. Mitglied) | 23.08.2010 - 15:42
Dankeschön für die Hilfe ((:

Antwort von GAST | 23.08.2010 - 21:39
Four months ago, I finally found my great love, Alicia. We met at a skating area. My biggest hobby is skating, she had many friends who were also skating very often so we had known each other for some time. When I first saw her my heart was beating very fast. She was a very pretty girl. She was my first true love.
I first told my mother about Alicia,after we had been together forone month, because my mother had a lot of stress with her partner. We had already been together for three months , that was the reason why Islept with her. It was a very exciting feeling.

On my birthday Alicia told me that she was pregnant. In that moment I didn`t knowwhat to say. I was confused. The next day we went to the gynecologist. He said that Alicia was pregnant. We decided Alicia to get the baby. In the following months there were many problems between us. But we did it. On 12/05/2009 our child was born. It was a boy. We called him Nick. I got a job as a photographer.


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