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Frage: Bitte meinen englisch Text ( ca. 150 Wörter ) korrigieren!
(3 Antworten)

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Most automobile companies have been established many years ago.
At that time, many workers were needed to produce cars. There were fewer vehicles per day, of course, be prepared than today. But once new technologies were introduced, more and more workers were dismiss. Since the start of mass production, productivity has been increased. Today, the production of robots is run and controlled by computers. The process of automation can not be stopped. In the factory of the future are likely to be many products are produced without labor. However, even skilled workers are needed because not all activities of machines can be executed. Currently employed by various auto makers are interviewed about their ideas on how the production can be improved. New technologies can also be combined with the trade unions developed and introduced. But of course no one knows exactly which cars produced in fifty years and how the production process will look like.

Dankeschön :)
Frage von Mandy0688 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 21.02.2010 - 18:13

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Antwort von Mandy0688 (ehem. Mitglied) | 21.02.2010 - 20:21
mir keiner helfen ?

Beiträge 40306
Antwort von matata | 21.02.2010 - 20:41
Gerade jetzt ist Essenszeit, Tageschau und Sportschau. Wenn jemand Zeit und Lust hat, wird er oder sie deinen Text korrigieren. Und so lange wartest du einfach ohne zu pushen und zu drängeln.
________________________ - Team

Antwort von GAST | 22.02.2010 - 10:38
Most automobile companies were established many years ago. At that time, many workers were needed to produce cars. There were fewer vehicles producedper day, of course, ....than today. But once new technologies had been introduced, more and more workers were dismissed. Since the start of mass production, productivity has been increased. Today, the production of robots is run and controlled by computers. The process of automation can not be stopped. In the factory of the future many products will likely ...produced without man power. However, even skilled workers are needed because not all activities .... can be executed by machines. . Currently employees atvarious auto makers were interviewed about their ideas on how ...production could be improved. New technologies can also be combined with the trade unions developed and introduced. (1)But of course no one exactlyknows....which cars will be produced in fifty years and how the production process will look like.

1) unverständlich

fett = eingefügt/verbessert; "...." = gestrichen


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