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Eng. Summary Korrektur

Frage: Eng. Summary Korrektur
(3 Antworten)

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The article `Studieren bei Jacobs` published on thursday, 2nd November in the `Berliner Zeitung, number 256` is written by Thorsten Harmsen, who explains the fundraising of german universities particularly of the Inernational University Bremen.

Many universities who are in debt have the chance to get rescued by companies. The International University Bremen (IUB) has a lot of debts. They have to owe the banks 86 millions euro. There are only 1000 students of 85 nations who cover a few costs of the IUB.
Jacobs is a company that produces coffee. This company has a good relationship to Bremen, therefore Jacobs has saved the IUB. They support the IUB by giving them 200 millions euro, where 75 millions are invested in the research and apprenticeship of the IUB. In 2011 Jacobs has given them 125 millions euro more to ensure the level of the IUB.
In Germany are further examples of fundraising for example the Aldi-Süd-Hörsaal of the college in Würzburg.
The universities of Berlin, especially the Humboldt University of Berlin who has organised a campaign `Citizen, save our auditorium`, follow this trend of fundraising. The biggest sponsoring has the technical university (TU) of Berlin. Volkswagen has invested 5million euro to build a library for the TU. An another example are companies consists of former students and professors who support universities by giving money in order to build a new auditorium, for example, the Horst-Wagon-Hörsaal of the TU.

ich bin bisschen irritiert weil summary ja eigentlich in präsens geschrieben wird ich habe aber einige sätze in present perfect. es klingt aber echt sinnlos wenn ich durchgehend simple present schreibe.
1. bitte um eine korrektur
2. wann nutze ich welche zeitform im summary?

danke für eure hilfe.
Frage von bombi (ehem. Mitglied) | am 03.11.2011 - 14:09

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Antwort von matata | 03.11.2011 - 17:39
Orientiere dich hier wegen den verwendeten Zeiten und lies auch einmal eine Buchzusammenfassung durch auf dieser Seite:
________________________ - Team

Antwort von GAST | 06.11.2011 - 12:35
The article `Studieren bei Jacobs` published on Thursday, November 2nd in the `Berliner Zeitung, number 256 , [---]written by Thorsten Harmsen [---]explains the fundraising of German universities particularly of the Inernational University Bremen.

Many universities which are in debt have the chance to get rescued by companies.
The International University Bremen (IUB) has a lot of debts. They {---] owe the banks 86 million Euro. There are only 1000 students from 85 nations who cover a part of the costs of the IUB.
Jacobs is a company that produces coffee. This company has a good relationship to Bremen, therefore Jacobs has saved the IUB. The company has supported the IUB by donating 200 million Euro (1), 75 million of this sum has been invested into the research and teaching at (2) the IUB. In 2011 Jacobs has given [---] 125 million Euro more to ensure the level of the IUB.
In Germany there are further examples of fundraising, the Aldi-Süd-Hörsaal of the college in Würzburg, for example.
The universities of Berlin, especially the Humboldt University of Berlin which has organised a campaign `Citizen, save our auditorium`, follow this trend of fundraising. The biggest sponsoring project has been enacted at the Technical University (TU) of Berlin. Volkswagen has invested five million Euro to build a library for the TU. An another example is that companies which have been founded by former students and professors [---] support universities by giving money in order to build [---] new auditoria, for exampl the Horst-Wagon-Hörsaal of the TU.

(1) in welchem Zeitraum?
(2) Vorsicht: falscher Freund: "apprentenceship" ist die Berufsausbildung in einem Handwerksberuf

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Antwort von bombi (ehem. Mitglied) | 06.11.2011 - 23:45
hallo gaensesaeger,

vielen dank für deine korrektur. zu (1) der zeitraum ist "gestern" also am 01.11 in dem das Unternehmen der Presse mitteilte.


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