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Frage: verbesserung.
(6 Antworten)

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könnt mir bitte bei diesem text jemand fehler aus bessern? =)

“Season of Love” is a Lovestory from the teenager Emily and Sam.

Emily loves with her mother in London and her father lives in Berlin. She goes on a girl school in London. Sam plays bass in the band “Kitty Gagarins” and Emily´s ex-boyfriend Ed also play guitar in this band. The two lovers must keep their relationship secret, that Ed would never forgive his bandmate Sam. But that`s not easy when you`re sharing a room with gossip queen Amanda Dobson, also called Cyclops.
Of course, there are very often “bitch wars” at this school.
Emily is already looking forward to Christmas because her father comes to London and at the Kingston School will include the annual Christmas party. The preparations for the party und for Christmas are very arduous, but always enough time for Sam. On the day of the party, everything seems perfect, because Sam and her friend can come to the party, but appears as Amanda everything changes. Sam is kissing Amanda and therewith starts a new “bitch war”. But at the end of the book there is a happy ending, Sam and Emily are happy lovers again and their relationship is no secret.
Frage von Chantal16 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 02.02.2010 - 17:14

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Antwort von Chantal16 (ehem. Mitglied) | 02.02.2010 - 18:01
durchlesen wär echt wichtig... naja..

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Antwort von Seraphimchild (ehem. Mitglied) | 02.02.2010 - 19:12
“Season of Love” is a Lovestory from the teenagers Emily and Sam.(ist es von ihnen [from] oder über sie [about]?)
Emily lives with her mother in London and her father lives in Berlin. She goes to a girl school in London. Sam plays bass in the band “Kitty Gagarins” and Emily´s ex-boyfriend Ed also plays guitar in that band. The two are lovers and they must keep their relationship a secret because Ed would never forgive his bandmate Sam. But that`s not easy when you`re sharing a room with the gossip queen Amanda Dobson, also called Cyclops.
Of course, there are very often “bitch wars” at this school.
Emily is already looking forward to Christmas because her father will come to London and at the Kingston School will be the annual Christmas party. The preparations for the party und for Christmas are very arduous, but there is always enough time for Sam. On the day of the party, everything seems perfect, because Sam and her friend can come to the party, but when Amanda appears everything changes. Sam is kissing Amanda and therewith starts a new “bitch war”. But at the end of the book there is a happy ending. Sam and Emily are happy lovers again and their relationship is not a secret anymore.

müsste so eigentlich gehen...
bin aber kein experte aber mein englisch ist eigentlich ganz ok :)

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Antwort von Chantal16 (ehem. Mitglied) | 02.02.2010 - 19:17
uii dankeschön! werd das jz sofort ausbessern... (:

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Antwort von Seraphimchild (ehem. Mitglied) | 02.02.2010 - 19:22
bitte :) aber wie gesagt könnten immer noch fehler drin sein

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Antwort von Chantal16 (ehem. Mitglied) | 02.02.2010 - 19:29
duu seraphimchild...
passt dieser satz? i weiß ned hört sie irgendwie strange an oda...:

I don´t like this book, because sometimes it is very boring

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Antwort von Seraphimchild (ehem. Mitglied) | 02.02.2010 - 19:32
also eigentlich is der ok nur das komma kannste weglassen :)

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