Englischübersetzung Leuteee :)
Frage: Englischübersetzung Leuteee :)(2 Antworten)
Hi Leudde. Ich habe ein paar Textausschnitte die ich leider nicht verstehe. Könntet ihr mir die übersetzen? -Here Islamic tradition informs us that a Christian monk named Buhaira, proclaimed Talib’s young nephew is the last prophet and warns him about the Jews. -During the next 15 years of his life he interactes with Arabs known as the Hanefites. Hanefites were Arabs who rejected idol worship and were searching for the true religion. They looked to the religion of the Jews and Christians as being close to the goal. The Hanefites abandonded their idols and would retreat to the caves of Mecca in meditation and prayer. -She consulted with her uncle Waraca, a Hanefite who converted to Christianity, who assured them Mohammed vision was from God. Waraca declared Mohammed was a prophet to the Arab peoples, Waraca died 2 years later never becoming a Muslim. -Few listened to Mohammed’s message and animosity grew against him as he confronted the idol worshippers and preached his religion to Mecca. Abu Talib his uncle and his tribe the Hasims protected him during this early Meccan period. -Abu Talib headed the Hasim clan, which Mohammed was a member. The new leader of the Hasim tribe his uncle Abu Lahab refused to protect Mohammed. During the next 3 years Mohammed would fear for his life. He sought refuge and protection in nearby cities from those seeking his life. -Yathrob was founded by three Jewish tribes and the idea of monotheism was familiar to its Arab tribesmen. The Arabs of Medina had been told by Jewish tribesmen about the coming Messiah who would one day conquer the world including the Arabs. The Arab tribes hoped to find this individual before the Jews. |
Frage von HakDin (ehem. Mitglied) | am 22.11.2009 - 19:05 |
Antwort von Nightwalk (ehem. Mitglied) | 22.11.2009 - 19:08 |
Hier der Auszug von abacho.de Hier informiert Islamische Tradition uns, dass ein christlicher Mönch genannt Buhaira, öffentlich verkündigte, dass der junge Neffe von Talib der letzte Hellseher ist und ihn über die Juden warnt. keine Garantie...blabla..nur zur Anregung,... |
Antwort von GAST | 22.11.2009 - 19:28 |
Ich bin neu hier im Forum - muss mich erst mal zurechtfinden. Meine Frage: ist es hier üblich ,dass hier fraglos ohne Zwang jeder Wunsch erfüllt wird? Das hieße doch: Dünnbrettbohrer, Aussitzer, Abräumer, Sich-Vorsagen-Lasser, Faulpelze vereinigt euch im e-hausaufgaben_Forum: hier wird euch, ohne dass ihr euch selbst anstrengen müsst und eigene Meinungen entwickelt braaucht geholfen. Prost Mahlzeit, da habe ich aber eine andere Vorstellung von "Hilfe". ha.lo |
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