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Bitte um Korrigierung meines Englisch Referats!

Frage: Bitte um Korrigierung meines Englisch Referats!
(1 Antwort)

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Hallo ihr Lieben,
ich muss morgen ein Kurzreferat auf Englisch über das Klima (+Landwirtschaft und Weinbau) in Kalifornien halten.

Von dem Stoff müsste alles passen, nur bin ich mir was die Sätze und den grammatikalischen Aufbau angeht nicht ganz so sicher ob da alles korrekt ist.
Also wäre echt super wenn ihr das euch mal durchlesen könntet und mir die Sätze verbessert, wo ihr meint dass man garnicht so sagen kann!
Vielen Dank schon im Voraus!
Liebe Grüße


Even California is a typical semitropical west side climate; it is very different from point to point. It is strongly influenced by various factors, like the California stream which comes from the north and brings a cooling effect to the mainland with it.
The precipitation falls predominantly in winter, that’s the reason for calling the climate on the Californian coast also winter rain climate.
Also the distribution of the precipitation is very different, while fall near Los Angeles only about 250-500mm in the year, these are in the north in part more than 1500 mm.
In summer it often comes to the formation of fog. The reason for that is that the mainland gets very hot and the California stream still got 15°. And if those thermal contrast/ extremes come together it comes to fog near at the coast.
The third-highest temperature on the earth was measured with 56.7 °C in 1913 in the Death Valley. And also the lowest temperature was determined in the north of the Lake Tahoe with -42,8 °C (1937) in California. I think that’s very impressive, because you could at the same time lie in the sun at the beach or go skiing in the mountains in California.


-The agriculture plays an important role in California, particularly the irrigated agriculture
-250 different agricultural products are grown.
-Almost half of all fruit and vegetables in the United States comes from California
-A big favour factor is here that the fog spends a lot of humidity
-The Californian agriculture uses more than 80% of the whole quantity of water which would be transported from far away during the summer months
-Without artificial irrigation agriculture wouldn’t be possible like now
-California is also known as the „fruit garden of America“ (Fruit Belt) cause of the intensive cultivation of fruit and vegetables.


Wine-growing in California
-California has developed to the best known wine-growing area America
-The wine-growing developed in the 20th century and applies up to 1,000 kilometers along the west coast
-80% of the wines in the USA are produced with more than 1,000 wine-growing companies, with a surface of 132,000 hectares, in California.
-Cause of the solar heat, the cool wind, the fog and dryness at the coast, wines like Chardonnay, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Noir and especially Zinfandel can be produced there
-We find vineyards everywhere in the state California
Frage von Sabriina (ehem. Mitglied) | am 20.10.2009 - 15:27

Antwort von GAST | 20.10.2009 - 15:42
-which differs from here to there

-kein komma vor like
- rainfall mainly occurs in winter which causes... -dein satz is viel zu kompliziert.

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