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"Welcome All" Analysis

Frage: "Welcome All" Analysis
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Ich habe als Hausaufgabe in Englisch eine Interpretation zu diesem Cartoon geschrieben  und da ich in der letzte Englisch Hausaufgabe nur 6 Punkte erhalten habe :/ wäre es sehr nett, wenn ihr mal drüberlesen könntet, und mir Verbesserungsvorschläge gebt.
In 1880 Joseph Keppler published a cartooncalled "Welcome all". As if you can hear from the title, it refers toAmericas receiving of refuges. From the first sight you can see, that thecartoonist wants to tell the people, that America receives all refuges fromEurope. The focus of attention is the crowd of peoplein the center of the picture. They are all looking different. They are wearingdifferent clothes, some seem to be rich, some poor, they have a differentorigin. It seems like they are all waiting in a line to go on a ship in frontof them at the left side of the picture. In the door of the ship there is aman, wearing red and white striped trousers a blue jacket and a white had. Heis opening his arms in a welcoming gesture. Above the door you can read thewords "U S Ark of refuges". Beside the door there is a sign thatsays: "free education, free land, free speech, free ballot, freelunch". Another side in the center of the picture behind the people says:"no oppressive taxes, no expensive kings, no compulsory military service,no knouts or dungeons".  At thefront of the ship an American flag is waving. The sky is divided into twoparts. The right one is dark and cloudy and you can see a black shape, whichlooks like a ghost, floating in the background. The left part is bright andsunny, without any clouds. The artist wants to point out that Americawelcomes all refuges and has much better living conditions than Europe. Thepeople in the center are European refuges who want to flee to America, wherethe ship is going to travel, what you can see, because of the American flag. Thetwo signs are telling the people how it will be in America and how it will benot. They promise them a better live without the taxes, monarchy and other"knouts or dungeons", what means other bad conditions or obligations,and with all they need to live, for free! Because of this proposal everybodywants to go to America, doesn´t matter if they are rich or poor, or from whichorigin they are. They want to flee from the "evil spirits", the badliving conditions and the government, in Europe, to the bright side of theworld, to America. And America welcomes them alls, which the cartoonist showswith the help of uncle Sam. He´s the man in the "American-flag-like" clothing.He´s a symbol for America. He´s opening his Arms, and is welcoming theEuropeans, like America did too. There´s also a link to the religiousbackground of the refuges, The name of the ship is U S Ark of Refuge. LikeNoah´s Ark did in the bible with the animals, the ark of refuge saves all thepeople from the big "flood", from the issues in their native country. All in all, the artist wants to say, thatAmerica welcomes all of the refuges, and gives them a better live. Well, it seems to be a bit different today. 
tut mir leid dass die absätze fehlen, und auch irgendwie manchmal wörter zusammen geschrieben sind, aber das liegt an dieser Seite ;) 
Es wäre sehr nett, wenn ihr mir helft :)
Frage von Franzilli | am 02.10.2014 - 13:15

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