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Frage: Englischen Text berichtigen
(11 Antworten)

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HI hier kommt mein zweiter Teil der Inhaltsangabe
wäre schön wenn ihr denn auch berichtigen könntet

In the main scene, a flashback to Dereks time in prison, he is thinking he never would be survive under the African American males and the aggressive jailer.
But outside he sees people like him and shows his body with the swastika with the hope to join in their group. The whole captives make attention at him and the White Anglo-Saxon Protestant invite him at their table.
At his new work Derek must work with a black guy and ignore him. After one year Dereks life in prison becomes complicated. His mother appears in jail and wants to talk about Danny and his new friends. Later back to the work Derek let his aggressive mood out and his workmate insult with him. Derek does what he says and works slowlier. After that he goes away from his friends, who are very angry about it. Back to work Derek is on very good terms with the black guy and at lunch time he sits on a lonely table. Derek likes his workmate always more. The black guy tells him how unfair the black guys are treats. Outside Derek plays with the other guys basketball and let his old friends marooning. As a result of that Derek is being raped. At the visit from Sweeney Derek is in tears and listens to his old teacher. In his fear Derel talks to his workmate und tell him about his helplessness and that he only wait at the next attack, but this never happen. At the last six month he is thinking about his life and before he comes out he talk a last time to the black guy and tell him that he thinks he is the person that safes him the whole time but the guy deny it

Back to present Danny feels sorry for Derek and they go to home.
Frage von chikita91 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 22.05.2009 - 18:58

Antwort von GAST | 22.05.2009 - 19:36
benutze mehr linkers (einleitewörter)

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Antwort von chikita91 (ehem. Mitglied) | 22.05.2009 - 22:38
ja das versuche ich schon immer .....

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Antwort von chikita91 (ehem. Mitglied) | 24.05.2009 - 16:57
^kann mir nicht jemand helfen?

Antwort von GAST | 24.05.2009 - 17:01
In the main scene, a flashback to Dereks time in prison, he is thinking that he would never survive under the African American males and the aggressive jailer.

But outside he sees people like him and shows his body with the swastika because he hopes to join their group.

The whole captives pay attention to him and the White Anglo-Saxon Protestant invites him to their table.

... den Rest habe ich mir jetzt nicht durchgelesen

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Antwort von chikita91 (ehem. Mitglied) | 24.05.2009 - 17:33
trotzdem danke schonmal

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Antwort von chikita91 (ehem. Mitglied) | 24.05.2009 - 18:57
könnt mir vielleicht sonst no jemand helfen?

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Antwort von honuodrus (ehem. Mitglied) | 24.05.2009 - 19:15
a flashback to Dereks
=>a flashback to Derek`s
oder nicht?

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Antwort von honuodrus (ehem. Mitglied) | 24.05.2009 - 19:16
he never would be survive
=>he`d never survive

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Antwort von honuodrus (ehem. Mitglied) | 24.05.2009 - 19:17
hope to join in their group
=>hope to join their group

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Antwort von honuodrus (ehem. Mitglied) | 24.05.2009 - 19:18
and ignore him
=>but he ignores him

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Antwort von chikita91 (ehem. Mitglied) | 26.05.2009 - 16:38
danke.... sind sonst noch fehler zu finden?

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