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Frage: Texas-Geschichte
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Vor der Ankunft der Europäer lebten im Gebiet von Texas zahlreiche Indianerstämme.
Die Coahuiltecan lebten im Süden, die Karankawa in der Nähe der Küste. Die Caddo-Stämme trieben Ackerbau und wohnten in dauerhaften Behausungen in Osttexas. Entlang des Rio Grande bauten die Jumano mit Hilfe von Bewässerungssystemen Feldfrüchte an und die Apachen und Tonkawa jagten Bisons in den Ebenen im Westen. Später wurde die kulturelle Vielfalt noch durch die Zuwanderung von Komantschen, Cherokee, Wichita und anderer Stämme bereichert.

3.meinen jetzigen fertigen Text bewerten(verbesserungsvorschläge,...)

Texas is a state in the South Central United States, nicknamed the Lone Star State. Texas is the second largest U.S. state , with a growing population of 24.3 million residents. Houston is its largest city. Other major cities include San Antonio, El Paso, and Austin—the state capital.
The "David G. Burnet" flag, of "an azure ground" (blue background) "with a large golden star central" was adopted by the Congress of the Republic of Texas in December of 1836. It continued in use as a battle flag after being superseded in January of 1839. The 1839 design has been used to symbolize the Republic and the “Lone Star State” ever since.
Motto: Friendship
Texas State Tree: Pecan Juglandaceae Carya illinoinensis (illinoensis )
Texas State Bird: Mockingbird
Texas State Flower: Bluebonnet (Lupinus)
The flag was adopted as the state flag when Texas became the 28th state in 1845. As with the flag of the United States, the blue stands for loyalty, the white represents strength, and the red is for bravery.
Population: 70.6% White, German (10.9%), English (7.2%), Scots-Irish (7.2%)
•35.5% total Hispanic or Latino
•3.3% Asian American
•0.5% Native American
•12.3% other racial groups
•1.8% Two or more races

Vielen lieben dank im voraus
Frage von LostHope91 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 24.04.2009 - 07:13

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