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(7 Antworten)

Hallo Leute, musste ein Essay über Barack Obama schreiben und wäre froh, wenn das vielleicht jemand kontrollieren könnte...Am besten so schnell wie möglich ;) Vielen dank schonmal im vorraus!

Barack Obama

Every four years is the election of the new president in the United States.
At the 5th of November 2008 many people celebrated the election victory of the 44th and the first African American President Barack Obama. Now the Hawaiian born son of a Kenyan father and a white mother lives in the White House in Washington DC together with his wife Michelle Obama and his two daughters. But now he has to manage a lot of difficult tasks. One of the important things is the economic and tay policy. Obama wants to change this. In his view the economic policy prefers big companies and rich people. So he wants to annul the tax abatement for the rich. Furthermore he has promised some things to the middle class. For example another stimulus package in the form of reimbursement of tax for families with lower income. The program for a national health insurance is for all the people who have no insurance and this makes Barack Obama very popular especially by the middle and lower class. During the financial crisis grows the number of unemployed. Obama suggests temporary tax abatement for companies which provide new jobs in the following two years. Another important fact is the climate change and after Obama’s election victory there will be a turn in the climate policy. He supports an active approach against the global warming. Moreover he wants to advance the development more environmentally friendly energies and supports the system of the global emissions trade. In addition to that he wants to raise the part of renewable energy about ten percent until 2012. Also Barack Obama is open for new nuclear power plant projects. In his foreign affairs he wants a better relation with his allies in Europe and he wants to improve the negative image of the United States in Europe. Especially the former states of the Soviet Union should be support. A further very positive point is the closing of the prison in Guantanamo. There are a lot of stories about prisoners who were abuse. But there are negative facts too. Many people especially the soldiers criticize the Iraq policy of Obama. He plans that about one third of the troops have to stay in the conflict area. Earliest in 2011 the troops will be come back to the United States. In my view it is almost a miracle that an African American became president of the United States. One fifths of the white people do not vote at the primary elections for Obama because he is not white. But I think it shows that the racism in the United States become fewer and fewer. My opinion is that now high expectations weigh on Obama. And it can be that he cannot fulfill his promises and the people will be disappointed. But all in all I would say Barack Obama is undoubtedly one of the most influential African Americans of today.
GAST stellte diese Frage am 08.03.2009 - 23:07

Beiträge 40267
Antwort von matata | 08.03.2009 - 23:12
erledigen wir sofort - Wunder dauern etwas länger.
________________________ - Team

Antwort von GAST | 08.03.2009 - 23:16
2. Satz:
ON the 5th of November 2008 many people celebrated the election victory of the 44th and the first AFRO-American President Barack Obama.

eine gute tag vollbracht und jetzt geh ich schlafen.

Beiträge 588
Antwort von the_wolfi | 08.03.2009 - 23:26
During the financial crisis grows the number of unemployed
Ich bin grad ganz stark verunsichert ob man hier einfach nur "unemployed" sagen kann. Eher "unemployed people".

Ansonsten kann ich nichts weiter finden. ;-)

Antwort von GAST | 08.03.2009 - 23:31
Especially the former states of the Soviet Union should be support.

ich weiß nich ob da nich besser supported wäre

Antwort von GAST | 08.03.2009 - 23:33
und hier Also Barack Obama is open for new nuclear power plant projects.
ich hätte geschrieben Barack Obama is also open for new nuclear power plant projects. oder Barack Obama is open for new nuclear power plant projects, too

Antwort von GAST | 08.03.2009 - 23:33
ich weiß aber nicht ob das richtige fehler sind

Antwort von GAST | 09.03.2009 - 00:05
Du hast an vielen Stellen "deutschen", d.h. im Englischen falschen Satzbau dabei - wahrscheinlich, weil du erst auf Deutsch geschrieben bzw. gedacht und erst im zweiten Schritt übersetzt hast. :)


"Every four years is the election of the new president..."
müsste richtig heißen:
"Every four years, Americans elect a new president"
"Every four years, the election of a new president takes place in the United States."

"And it can be that he cannot fulfill his promises ..."
Du wolltest offenbar ausdrücken: "Und es kann sein, dass...."
Richtig müsste das heißen:
"And it might well be that he won´t be able to keep his promises."

Es heißt nicht "a further very positive point", sondern "another positive aspect / point".

Achte auf korrekte Zeiten!
"One fifths of the whie people do not vote at the primary elections for Obama because he is not white."
Richtig müsste es heißen:
"One FIFTH of WHITES DID not vote FOR OBAMA IN the primary elections ..."


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