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Personal Statement

Frage: Personal Statement
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Noch in möglichst der nächsten Tage möchte Ich meine Bewerbung an englischen Hochschulen in Gang setzen, für die ein Personal Statement erforderlich ist.
Natürlich auf englisch! ;)
Es dient dazu (egal ob man sich privat oder über das englische Studienvergabeprogramm UCAS bewirbt) der Hochschule/Uni mitteilen zu können warum man überhaupt zu ihnen will.
Ich habe natürlich auch schon was dazu aufgesetzt, aber der Feinschliff fehlt mir definitiv noch und auch bei der "Umgangssprachlichkeit" könnte es ein wenig hapern. Ich möchte das es seriös klingt - auf keinen Fall sprachliche Ungereimtheiten bestehen oÄ. Also... Bitte werft einen Blick drüber und kritisiert, was immer es nur zu kritisieren geben könnte:

Design is a good idea.

Creativity offers people the opportunity to stick out from the crowd. It allows to think in an innovative and progressive way, to try new perspectivities and another, new point of view, no matter if it is a corporate design we create or a picture we paint.
So it`s not just or a hobby or a job, for those of us who see art, design and creativity as an essentiell part of their life, but as a mission and a way of life which highest fruition should be reached when this this passion turns into an primary part of life.

On every ocasion i recognize that creative work – to compose with color, lights and effects means joy for me in all it`s ways.
At least this might have been the reason for my avocational work that offered me practice, foundation skills and excitation in art and design.
I`m used to work practically oriented and puposeful and as so far elaborating my drafts archieved results, that often suprise me too.
I love the foundations of design as much as the artworked, artistic liberties and i feel like i could never discover enough subtitles and innovations at all.
To see a final result after all these creative processes and to know this is what my abilities created, is the highest reward i could think of.

So i would say that art strained a hugh part of my life – be it to contribute in school-objects or to imitate impressing, formative objects in my leisure time.
To share art with others and to exchange about interests and preferences, to discuss wishes if the involved people share your fascination, persuaded me after reaching my high school diploma to aspire for the vocational baccalaureate diploma of technology and design in 2006.

I took a step to reach my target of preparing for study and also to familiarize with other aspects like photography and communication. Constituents of art and design i treasure and admire as much as the people who work with these media and their fertile talents in their career life.

I`m chosing to study abroad to meet new people, to experience the unknown and to change my entire environment. Only changes can inspire a creative mind to envolve his work and point of view.
There`s no wrong or right way in art and design.
Design is an idea and new ideas are the best ones.
GAST stellte diese Frage am 25.01.2009 - 10:34

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