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Frage: todesstrafe
(4 Antworten)

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2. Figures and facts

3. History

4. Reasons for a capital punishment

5. Methods

6. Argumentation

7. Case studies

1. Introduction
- The capital punishment is oldest of all punishments within the human society and at the same time the most radical punishment of a person
- Since 1532 there are officially certain regulations. Before the capital punishment was already covered since thousands of years arbitrarily
- In every epoch the capital punishment was carried out from the most different motives.
- Besides, motives are very extensive

In the course of the centuries it was executed in the most different name:
in the name of the justice
in the name of the gods
in the name of the people
or from polit. Found

2. Figures and facts
- In 103 countries the capital punishment still is fully in strength
- Per year become about in 2000 - 4000 executions carried out worldwide (however, approx. 6000 death sentences spoken ~> judgments partially again secludedly)
- During the 2nd world war there was more than 16,000 death sentences during the 1st world war only ten
- 74% of the convicted have no education, few friends and broken families.
- The costs for a capital punishment approx. 3 million dollars (total expenses for all negotiations, custody costs, enforcement of the punishment etc.)
- More blacks than whiteness are executed (e.g., in Florida many blacks will be sentenced to death 40 times as a whiteness)

3. History
- In Germany and most other states of Western Europe as well as Central America and South America abolished.
- In the GDR in 1987 abolished, Austria in 1950, Switzerland in 1942
- Last in 1983 in France, in 1994 in Spain, in 1996 in Belgium.
- During the past 10years on an average one country per year has abolished the capital punishment.

4. Reasons

- It is exactly to be separated almost not possibly this area.
- The punishment is covered for the most different criminal offences.
- In the most frequent cases murder, sexual crime (Islam).

5. Methods
Modern execution kinds are:
Shoot, electric chair, gas chamber, stony, poison syringe, hanging

Ancient methods:
To wheels, quartering, vividly buried, drowning, beheading, crucifying, rock fall, dividing, combustion

- The most common kinds are Hang and shooting.
- Stoning and the decapitation with the sword are applied exclusively in Islamic states.
- Poison syringe or 2,000 volts of electric chair are common only in the USA.

6. Arguments

For it (which are attached over and over again)
- It serves for the deterrence. Nevertheless, this was disproved by studies.
- It should be a repayment (Who kills somebody must die itself)
- It holds culprit from other actions (e.g., terrorists).
- It is cheaper than lifelong prison sentences (Also this was disproved A capital punishment costs a lifelong prison sentence only 500,000$) to a total of 3 million $

Against it:
- The punishment is already before real vollziehung bruta
Frage von SpongeGirl (ehem. Mitglied) | am 04.12.2008 - 16:19

Antwort von GAST | 04.12.2008 - 16:20
lautet deine Frage jetzt?

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Antwort von SpongeGirl (ehem. Mitglied) | 04.12.2008 - 16:24
Against it:
- The punishment is already crude before real vollziehung.
- The death cell is big only 5 m ².
- The prisoners may leave the cell only 1 hour on the day.
- There is bad heating and ventilation.
- The execution of the punishment is not often so quick and painless how many believe.
- Mistakes in the conviction cannot be corrected (in the USA 23innocent were executed from 1900 to 1987)

7. Case studies
James Autry died on the 14th of March, 1984 in Texas by injection of a deadly poison. One allowed to let drip a salt solution in his vein.
Urspünglich had been settled his execution appointment for November, 1983. At that time he lay already strapped down on a couch
and if the preparation experienced for his execution when the news arrived, that the enforcement of the death sentence pushed open
is. He fought at least ten minutes with the death. During this time he was mainly with consciousness, has moved and has deplored about pains.

On the 16.10.85 the execution of William Vandiver on the electric chair lasted by the federal state Indiana 17 minutes
and one needs 5 surges of 2000 volts.

When the federal state Alabama allowed to execute in the USA John L. Evans on the electric chair, there was with the first electric shock
a short circuit in the electrode in the leg of the doomed man. The warder repaired them and gave a second one
Surge. Smoke and flames licked from Evans temples and legs, but the man still lived. His lawyer demanded him
To break off governor on, the execution what declined this. The third surge and Evans died after 17 minutes.

With one of the cruelest executions of the American history Jesse Tefaro was roasted on the 4.5.90 on the electric chair in Florida State Prison with living body, because the warders had put a wrong current.

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Antwort von GAST | 04.12.2008 - 16:31
2.In 103 countries the capital punishment still is fully in strength
Hört sich find ich nicht so gut an, eventuell:
In 103 countries there are still this punishment oder
In 103 countries this punisment is still used

In Germany and most other states of Western Europe as well as Central America and South America abolished.
- In the GDR in 1987 abolished, Austria in 1950, Switzerland in 1942
- Last in 1983 in France, in 1994 in Spain, in 1996 in Belgium.

Du verdrehst den Satzbau in den Sätzen:
In Germany and most other states of western Europe as well as Central America and South Americe this punishment is abolished
-In 1983 its abolsihed in the GDR, in Austria its abolished in 1950 usw

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Antwort von SpongeGirl (ehem. Mitglied) | 04.12.2008 - 17:11
thx schön
ist sonst noch was falsch, was wichtig ist?

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