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englisch bookreview verbesserung

Frage: englisch bookreview verbesserung
(8 Antworten)


habe ne bookreview geschrieben möchte aber dass ihr sie auf grammatik und co verbessert ....
ich habe da einige stellen wo ich mir unsicher bin wie ich das jezz formulieren sollte und hoffe wenn ich es auf deutsch sage, dass ihr es mir dann übersetzen könnt...

hier meine bookreview

Book review of the novel “Hard Times”
written by Charles Dickens

Short summary

The novel “Hard times” written by Charles Dickens takes part in a northern industrial city, which is called Coketown. Mr. Thomas Gradgrind a popular citizen of Coketown,who later becomes the membership of the parliament and owns a school is of the opinion that only facts and figures are important in life and bases his school and life of this principles. He educates his children including Tom and Louisa with all important facts and without fancy. The two children`s are caught by their father Mr. Gradgrind one day when they try to see Sleary’s Circus, where the clown,called Jupe works. Jupe has a daughter Sissy, and when Jupe leaves the circus and his daughter, Gradgrind invites her to come and live with his family.

The message

The author Charles Dickens want to tell the reader that facts and figures are not the most important components in life, because you can not be happy only with facts, which you can learn in books or in other mediums. Emotions like love can not be similar like a fact, because this things give your life a perspective.

The most important characters and relationships

Thomas Gradgrind
Thomas Gradgrind is the owner of a school and has a very good relationship to his friend Mr. Bounderby. He gives Sissy a possibility to live in his family but she has to avoid any kind of fancies
He has a very good relationship to her daughter Louisa, but he forced her to marry Bounderby.

Josiah Bounderby
Josiah Bounderby is Gradgrind`s friend and later Louisa`s husband. Bounderby claims to be a self-made man and describes being abandoned by his mother as a young boy. He has got a poor childhood, but he has risen to become a banker and factory owner in Coketown. He employs many of the characters in the novel and he is very wealthy.

Louisa Gradgrind
Louisa Gradgrind is one of the central characters of the novel, too. She is the oldest of the Gradgrins children and a very intelligent person. When she grows older, her father arranges her marriage to Mr. Bounderby. Her life goes bad, because in the marriage with Mr Bounderby she has been forced to deny her emotions.

Structure of the novel

The novel has a good and easy structure with 21 chapters. Only chapter is 3-5 pages long. It contains great vocabulary and the most of sentences are good written. A big advantage is that the book has a part, which contains exercises to test your comprehensive. The are many kind of questions, which you have to answer and you can test yourself your comprehensive of that novel.
The vocabulary of “hard times” contains great words and a few unknown words. The sentences are long and varied. All in all you can say that the novel is not complicate to understand and is recommended for pupils.

Personal statement

In my opinion the novel “Hard Times” written by Charles Dickens is a great book, which I can recommended all pupils, who are interested in the ranking of fairies and facts in life. The cover looks boring, because there is only a part of an industrial city. The appearance of the cover is boring, but that can deceive, because it is full of irony. Here are a few good examples:

Right at the beginning of the novel the "Speaker" is telling the schoolteacher how to teach.

Mrs. Sparsit`s husband ironically dies of alcoholism from brandy while living in the middle of the decadent port city of Calais.

Cecilia Jupe is a student who tries to make "progress" with Gradgrinds, and Dicken`s ironically relates this to the Pigrim`s Progress by Bunyan which is actually about avoiding sin and getting to heaven.

All in all you can say that the book is very interesting and it lets you think about your own life.

Few information of author and novel

1)Contains 108 pages

2)Date of first publication: Published in serial installments in Dickens`s magazine Household Words between April 1st and August 12th 1854

3)Point of view: The narrator speaks in the third person and has a limited omniscience. He knows what is going on in all places and at all times, but he sometimes speculates about what the characters might be feeling and thinking, suggesting, at those times, that he does not actually know.

4)Charles Dickens important novels: Oliver Twist, A Christmas Carol, David Copperfield and A Tale of Two Cities.


the message:

- dass man gefühle nicht mit fakten gleichstellen kann, da gefühle ein wichtiger bestand teil des lebens ist und ohne diese kein glückliches leben geführt werden kann

structure of the novel
- will sagen, dass das buch gut formuliert ist und gut verständlich ist, ausserdem gut strukturiert ist dass heisst, dass die einzelnen übergänge zwischen den kapitel nachzuvollziehen sind, jedoch ein nachteil ist, dass die zukunft der einzelnen figuren auf einer seite kurz erwähnt wird und somit auch abgeharkt wirkt

short summary

- möcht noch erwähnen,dass wenn durch diese mentalität das fakten nur das wichtigste im leben sind, im laufe der geschichte immer zu rütteln beginnt

hoffe könnt mir helfen danke
GAST stellte diese Frage am 27.11.2008 - 17:03

Antwort von GAST | 27.11.2008 - 17:12
review ist nicht so lang ! bitte nehmt euch die zeit ... ist sehr wichtig ... danke

Antwort von GAST | 27.11.2008 - 17:21
have a little push :D .......

Antwort von GAST | 27.11.2008 - 17:34
ich weiss dass ich eine vw jezz bekomme aber ich brauch doch hilfe -.-

sorry wegen spam :D

Antwort von GAST | 27.11.2008 - 19:26
es ist: PARLEMENT!
danach was du geschrieben hast?! voll falsch ich versteh den satz nich?! "and owns a school is of the opinion that only facts and figures are important in life and bases his school and life of this principles." was meinst du damit?
danach schreib: . He educates his children, Tom and Louisa about all important facts, but does not want them to fancy someone. !?
....., and when they leave the circus, Gradgrind invites them to live with his family.

...., because these things give your life a perspective!

He had a bad childhood and lived under poor condition and was raised up to become a banker and afactory owner in Coketown.

....which I recommend to everyone...

Um ehrlich zu sein hab ich sehr vieles nicht verstanden...inhaltlich...ich habe dir das versucht zu verbessern was ich verstanden hab.

Antwort von GAST | 27.11.2008 - 19:51
the message:

= You cant equate feelings/emotions with facts, as they are an important part of life without you can not achieve a fulfilled life with happiness.

structure of the novel:

The novel/story ( book hört sich nicht gut an) is easy to read and enjoyable. The transitions between each chapter are well-structured, which makes it easy to understand. However, a disadvantage is that the future of the individual characters are only briefly mentioned on one page and is not further mentioned.

short summary

By having a mentality where facts are the most important things in life shakes the course of history.

habs versucht und mir zeit genommen! viel erfolg!

Antwort von GAST | 27.11.2008 - 20:02

danke für die formulierungen .... die hörn sich gut an .. hab das summary berichtigt

The novel “Hard times” written by Charles Dickens takes part in a northern industrial city, which is called Coketown. Mr. Thomas Gradgrind a popular citizen of Coketown,who later becomes a member of the parliament, owns a school and is of the opinion that only facts and figures are important and this principles bases on his school and life. He educates his children including Tom and Louisa with all important facts and without fancy. The two children`s are caught by their father Mr. Gradgrind one day when they try to see Sleary’s Circus, where the clown,called Jupe works. Jupe has a daughter Sissy, and when Jupe leaves the circus and his daughter, Gradgrind invites her to come and live with his family. The father`s attitude changes when Louisa comes to him in distress after the breakdown of her marriage to Bounderby, a rich owner of the Coketown factories and a central bank. Does Mr. Gradgrin realizes the limitations of his attitude or not?

könntest du guggen ob man da vllt was äöndern könnte?

Antwort von GAST | 29.11.2008 - 12:46
hoffe es ist nich zu spät, aber du solltest ändern....
...are important and these principles base on his school and life.

Both children are caught by their father....

The question is, if Mr. Gradgrin realizes the ....

was meinst du mit "limitations of his attitude"? weil das nich richtig ist!

Antwort von GAST | 29.11.2008 - 21:55
Tammy, bitte nicht persönlich nehmen, aber: "parliament" ist GENAU die richtige englische Schreibung des Wortes.

Die Review ist nicht lang, stimmt - aber trotzdem solltest du keine Angst davor haben, eine Arbeit mit "Fehlern" drin abzugeben. Wie soll dein Lehrer/deine Lehrerin denn sonst beurteilen, auf welchem Stand du gerade im Englischen stehst? Klingt immer blöd, aber es geht ja nicht nur um Noten, sondern auch um euren Unterricht. Wenn euer Lehrer beim Korrigieren der Hausarbeiten merkt, dass viele Schüler denselben Fehler machen, dann kann er genau das Thema noch mal im Unterricht erklären. :)

Deswegen jetzt auch keine Rundum-Korrektur, sondern nur ein paar grobe Sachen.

The novel “Hard times” written by Charles Dickens IS SET in a northern industrial city, which is called Coketown. Mr. Thomas Gradgrind KOMMA a popular citizen of Coketown KEIN KOMMA who later becomes A MEMBER of KEIN THE parliament and owns a school KOMMA THINKS that only facts and figures are important in life and bases his school and life ON THESE principles. He educates his children KOMMA including Tom and Louisa KOMMA with all important facts and without fancy. The two children KEIN APOSTROPH KEIN S are caught by their father NAME BRAUCHT HIER NICHT one day when they try to see Sleary’s Circus, where A clown KEIN KOMMA called Jupe works. Jupe has a daughter KOMMA Sissy SEMIKOLON and when Jupe leaves the circus and his daughter, Gradgrind invites her to come and live with his family.

The message

NUR: Charles Dickens wantS to tell the reader that facts and figures are not the most important components in life, because you can not be happy IF YOU only STICK TO facts which you can learn FROM books or in other mediA. Emotions like love ARE NOT THE SAME AS FACTS, because EMOTIONS give your life a perspective.

The most important characters and relationships

Thomas Gradgrind
Thomas Gradgrind is the owner of a school and has a very good relationship to his friend Mr. Bounderby. He gives Sissy THE OPPORTUNITY to live in his family but she has to avoid any kind of fancies. He has a very good relationship to HIS daughter Louisa, but he forceS her to marry Bounderby.
(Du schreibst ja im present tense, also: forces und nicht forced.)

Josiah Bounderby
Josiah Bounderby is Gradgrind`s friend and later Louisa`s husband. Bounderby claims to be a self-made man and describes being abandoned by his mother as a young boy. He has HAD a poor childhood, but he has risen to become a banker and factory owner in Coketown. He employs many of the characters in the novel and he is very wealthy.

Louisa Gradgrind
Louisa Gradgrind is one of the central characters of the novel KEIN KOMMA AS WELL. She is the oldest of the Gradgrin KEIN S children and a very intelligent person. When she grows older, her father arranges her marriage to Mr. Bounderby. Her life DEVELOPS IN A BAD WAY, because in the marriage with Mr Bounderby she IS forced to deny her emotions.

Structure of the novel

The novel has AN easy structure with 21 chapters. Only chapter WELCHES? is 3 TO 5 pages long.
Du darfst Bücher nicht mit solchen Adjektiven wie "gut" bewerten. Dashes sind Abkürzungen und sollten ausgeschrieben werden, also nicht -, sondern "to".

It contains great vocabulary and the most of sentences are good written. SIEHE OBEN. Nicht "great", sondern vielleicht "entensive"? Eine Bewertunge wie "well written" steht einem als Analyst oder Interpret nicht zu; wie wär`s mit "the author makes great (im Sinne von "umfangreich") use of a variety of structures"?

A big advantage is that the book has a part, which contains exercises to test your comprehensION. TheRE are many kind of questions KEIN KOMMA which you have to answer KOMMA and you can test KEIN YOURSELF your comprehensION of that novel. Bisschen doppelt gemoppelt, aber geht. :)

The vocabulary of "Hard times" contains great words and a few unknown words. The sentences are long and varied. All in all you can say that the novel is not complicate to understand and CAN BE recommended for pupils.
Problem: vielleicht verstehst du einige Wörter nicht, die Leser damals allerdings schon. "Great words" usw. deswegen weglassen.

Personal statement
In my opinion the novel “Hard Times” written by Charles Dickens is a great book, which I can recommended TO all pupils KEIN KOMMA who are interested in the ranking of fairies and facts in life.
Schöne Idee! Vielleicht besser: .. who are interested in finding out more about the importance of facts and "faries" in one`s life. ?

The cover looks boring, because there is only a part of an industrial city.
Ugh. Solche Bewertungen darf man leider wirklich nicht vornehmen, es sei denn du kennzeichnest das anders. "The cover shows a part of an industrial city and might be described as simple compared to modern-day book covers."

The appearance of the cover is boring, but that can deceive, because THE NOVEL (sonst redest du immer noch vom Cover) is full of irony. Here are a few good examples:

Right at the beginning of the novel the "Speaker" is telling the schoolteacher how to teach. Mrs. Sparsit`s husband ironically dies of alcoholism BRANDY WEG while living in the middle of the decadent port city of Calais. Cecilia Jupe is a student who tries to make "progress" with Gradgrinds, and DickenS ironically relates this to the PiLgrim`s Progress by Bunyan. THAT NOVEL is actually about avoiding sinS and getting to heaven.

ALTOGETHER KOMMA you can say that the book is very interesting and it lets you think about your own life.

Information ON THE author and HIS novel

1) Contains 108 pages

2) Date of first publication: Published in serial installments in Dickens`s magazine "Household Words" between April 1st and August 12th KOMMA 1854.

3) Point of view: The narrator speaks in the third person and has a limited omniscience. He knows what is going on in all places and at all times, but he sometimes speculates about what the characters might be feeling and thinking, suggesting, at those times, that he does not actually know. SUPER!

4)OTHER IMPORTANT NOVELS BY Charles Dickens: Oliver Twist, A Christmas Carol, David Copperfield and A Tale of Two Cities.


the message:

- dass man gefühle nicht mit fakten gleichstellen kann, da gefühle ein wichtiger bestand teil des lebens ist und ohne diese kein glückliches leben geführt werden kann

It is impossible to think of emotions and facts in the same way. Emotions are an integral part of life; without emotions, nobody can actually ever be happy.

structure of the novel
- will sagen, dass das buch gut formuliert ist und gut verständlich ist, ausserdem gut strukturiert ist dass heisst, dass die einzelnen übergänge zwischen den kapitel nachzuvollziehen sind, jedoch ein nachteil ist, dass die zukunft der einzelnen figuren auf einer seite kurz erwähnt wird und somit auch abgeharkt wirkt
The novel is written in a very straight-forward - lustig, dass du das findest, Dickens ist eigentlich Master Of Disaster was das angeht - way and its structure allows the reader to follow the plot easily. One disadvantage that could be mentioned is that the characters developments in the future is given away on only one page. This makes the ending appear cut short.

short summary
- möcht noch erwähnen,dass wenn durch diese mentalität das fakten nur das wichtigste im leben sind, im laufe der geschichte immer zu rütteln beginnt
.... mir ist nicht ganz so klar, was du damit meinst. Eventuell: Even when facts and figures become the most important part of one`s life, this attitude is bound to be shaken through the course of time. ?

Hoffe, das hilft. :)

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