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Battle of Hastings ~ bitte Korekturlesen!

Frage: Battle of Hastings ~ bitte Korekturlesen!
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Wir haben uns als Projekt zu unserer Studienfahrt nach England genauer nach Hastings, das Thema Battle of Hastings 1066 ausgesucht. Nun Haben wir unser Thema grob Gegliedert in Vorgeschichte/ Verlauf/ Resultat. Meine Aufgabe war der Verlauf (course). Wäre schön, wenn ihr das mal bitte Korekturlesen könntet!

The Anglo-Saxon mobilization of Harald II. consisted mainly of fighters of the Fyrds, which primitive farmers with little combat experience were. The Huscarle formed the core of the army. Those ones were heavy armed foot-soldiers which were protected by chain armaments and pavises. In addition they fought with big quarrel axes. About 1,000 Huscarle were killed or injured in the battle of Stamford Bridge, so that Harald II. only 2,000 of them had, which ones through more than 5,000 Fyrd-fighters were supported. In addition about 500 heavy armed Huscarlen of the Danish renegade Ole Ejnarsen and his brother Jens Ejnarsen joined, which had offered the army for 400 marks of luebischen silver. The Anglo-Saxon army contained no riders and only few archers, that is the reason why they took an extremely defensive attitude. The Anglo-Saxons formed on the Senlac-hill a dense shield rampart which offered protection before arrows and rider attacks. The first lines of the shield rampart were complemented by the practised Huscarle which should guarantee the compactness of the formation. Much Anglo-Saxons were armed with spears, which complicated an attack on their shield rampart besides.

Wilhelm divided his army into three formations.In the centre the normannischen fighters were stationed, while the Bretonen were forming the left wing, which was led by Graf Alain de Bretagne. The right wing consisted of a franko-flemish contingent under Eustace II. of Boulogne and Roger II. de Montgommery. The army Wilhelms consisted of 7,000 man , under which 2,000 to 3,000 heavy riders were. These were equipped with concatenation armaments, nasal helmets and pavises.They fought with lances, swords and quarrel plungers. Most riders were members of the normannischen nobility. The use of stirrups gave them special fighting power. These made it possible, in the full gallop with their lance onto an opponent too ride, without being flung by the horse. The normannische army had besides many archers. In addition crossbow shots were employed by the Normans for the first time on a European battlefield.

At the late morning normannische arch and crossbow shots began the battle, because they shot their arrows and bolts onto the Anglo-Saxon shield rampart. Most did not hit the Anglo-Saxons or stick in their shields. The Anglo-Saxons did not fire back because they most archers had lost to Harald Haderade in the battle.Therefore Wilhelm sent a troop to get new arrows. It followed a assault of the normannischen foot-soldiers which failed because of the shield rampart, too. Also the normannischen riders failed and had to withdraw. In this time the rumor went around that Wilhelm fell. Die linke Flanke der Normannen begann, sich dann zurückzuziehen. Motivated from this withdrawal, some Anglo-Saxons left the protecting shield rampart and chased after the Normans. Wilhelm put down his helmet and his army saw him.Thus the morale of his army was saved. He restored the battle lines and rode for the counter-attack.It failed again before the shield rampart, but he massacred all English who had left the shield rampart.

Wilhelm learned quickly and so he ordered to deceive a further withdrawal, in order to overcome the shield rampart. This tactics became in the battle of Stamford Bridge of Harld II. used. Again many Anglo-Saxons were motivated to leaving the shield rampart in order to follow the enemies.

The normannischen riders turned back again, in order to kill their opponents. With this tactics the right then the left wing of the Anglo-Saxon shield rampart was conquered. Long infighting followed. The Normans had a advantage because the shield rampart of the Angel-Sachsen was broken. At the evening Harald II. with his best Huscarlen found the death by a further attack of normannischen riders. The Fyrd-fighters were released from their duties by the death of Haralds II. and fled from the battlefield. The Huscarle kept on fighting with the Normans until they had to withdraw, too. The longest battle of the European high Middle Ages had found their end. It lasted about nine hours.
GAST stellte diese Frage am 09.09.2008 - 11:00

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