Großbritanniens Schulsystem
Frage: Großbritanniens Schulsystem(8 Antworten)
Also leute ich habe ein problem^^ Und ich hab keine ahnung wie ich das anstellen soll. Das große problem für mich ist, es muss unbedingt auf enlisch sein und so gut bin ich net^^aber ich habe zeit bis zum 12.01.09^^ brauche unbedingt hilfe (plz) |
GAST stellte diese Frage am 21.08.2008 - 23:30 |
Antwort von John_Connor | 21.08.2008 - 23:30 |
wikipedia |
Antwort von matata | 21.08.2008 - 23:34 | Encarta gibt es auch auf Englisch ! ________________________ - Team |
Antwort von GAST | 21.08.2008 - 23:43 |
wenn du soviel zeit hast mach dass ganze doch erst mal auf deutsch und bitte dann einen freund bzw. freundin der/die gut in englisch ist dir beim übersetztn zu helfen^^ |
Antwort von GAST | 21.08.2008 - 23:46 |
ja das hab ich schon gemacht aber ich bin irgendwie net zu frieden Schoolsystem of GB 1. general facts 2.lawful bases 3. application/ admission 4. educational system 4.1 primary schools 4.2 secondary schools 4.3 private schools and special schools 5. interesting facts 1. general facts educational system of GB distinguished of big variety by different aims and structures of various types of schools every child shall be allowed to have the possibilities of education that correspond to his talent uniformity and comparability of education guaranteed by examinations in the end which are similar for every stundent different class stages are not called “classes” in the UK as it is the case in America, but “years” (e.g. year 7, year 3, year 10 and so on) there are different classes but have only some lessons together mostly while periods they are mixed with other children of their age every class has got its own room, however they use it only for the registration in the morning in the UK every teacher has got its own room and remains in there and the students change the rooms depending on the lessons they have school starts at 9 o’clock when years gather for the assembly (which differs from school to school) originally they are a tradition which once was meant to be kind of a morning prayer and shall have a Christian meaning after the assembly the students go into their classrooms for being registrated and for other notices after two periods there is a break of 20 minutes and when 3rd period ends there is a big lunchbreak which lasts 1 hour during this hour there are different clubs taking place, e.g. private lessons or preparations for examinations most of students take their time to hang around, play football and so on in the afternoon there are 2 periods again without a break school ends at 3.35 pm also activities outside the classes, e.g. choir and sports food and milk available for students (for those of poor conditions it is free of charge) mostly school uniform wanted (in colours of school) 2. lawful bases legally child is of school age when it reaches the age of 5, obligation ends when student turns 16 besides schools which are runned by the state (and where more than 90% of students go to) private schools play an important role there are about 150 private schools, e.g. famous ones like Eton or Winchester private schools are called public schools in UK (differs from USA where public schools are public) school year separated in trimester students don’t have to pay money for school if they don’t visit a private school they have got the same schedule every day 3. application and admission parents decide for most suitable school for their child apply and then take place at an interview (because often too many students applying for one school) depending on aims of school are chosen 4. educational system 4.1 primary school divided in part 1 and part 2 1st part for 7-10 year olds parents can also decide whether they want to give their child to nursery school for 2-5 year olds children educated on low level 2nd part for 8-11 year olds 4.2 secondary schools for 12-16 year olds mostly called community college (if state school) even though they are no real colleges in popularest sense, e.g. in America colleges are more like universities those community colleges are for all the “normal” students they are called comprehensive schools there are also special schools for not so bright students and those who are difficult to bring up last type of ecopndary schools = grammar schools, are for very intelligent students have to pass a test when they want to go there grammar schools are similar to german gymnasium most students visit comprehensive schools (90%), mostly there are about 400-1000 students at one school sometimes separated in schools for boys and schools for girls after 11th year students pass GCSE-Exam (general certificate of secondary education) after secondary school possibility to pass sixth form at comprehensive school or to go to sixth form college and pass a-levels at the age of 18 a-levels (advanced levels) accords with german abitur students have to chose at least 3 subjects for exams depending on subjects, number of subjects and marks students are allowed to go to university or higher college at first secondary school students are not separated because of their abilities, starting from year 8 there are 4 sets: top set 1: very good students top set 2: not bad students top set 3: bad students top set 4: students who are only supposed to join the classes to gain experiences in social life 4.3 private schools and special schools GB famous for its class society – many schools for upper-class-children Here students have to pay money Besides private elite schools there are also such which educate on alternative bases, e.g. music schools, schools for children of foreign cultures and religious minorities Special schools exist in GB even though there is a lot of attention out on integration Those schools are rather small (per teacher less than 6 students) 5. interesting facts british students pass every class automatically and do not repeat it periods last up to 70 minutes (different) british students have less subjects than german students, they have every lesson 3 times a week one period is tutorial, that means you sit together in your tutorial groups and talk about to your tutor about problems britis marks are letters from A-F, where A is the best and F the worst pupils is rather what you call the students of primary schools, the older ones you call students wie findet ihr das denn? |
Antwort von John_Connor | 21.08.2008 - 23:50 |
ich würde dir vorschlagen, das referat als powerPoint Präsentation zu machen, da sich das Thema sehr anbietet und es besser zu verstehen ist, als ein trockener Aufsatz! |
Antwort von GAST | 22.08.2008 - 03:03 |
power point auf jeden FALL! und ich würd vil. noch bilchen oder en video oder so kp... |
Antwort von GAST | 22.08.2008 - 18:06 |
kann einer vielleicht ma gucken ob der text gut ist oder net weil ich mach das so oder so auf powerpoint |
Antwort von matata | 22.08.2008 - 18:11 |
So lange Texte kannst du unmöglich als PPP präsentieren. Es gibt Gestaltungsregeln für diese Folien. Wenn sie überladen sind, dann sind sie langweilig. Sie sollen nur die wichtigsten Punkte enthalten. Den Rest erklärst du mündlich. Eigentlich ist eine PPP ein sehr gutes Handout. Geh einmal auf Google mit <Powerpoint>. Du bekommst eine ganze Reihe Tipps und Hinweise dazu. ________________________ - Team |
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