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inhaltsangabe-making a difference

Frage: inhaltsangabe-making a difference
(3 Antworten)

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hat schon mal jemand zu der erzählung "making a difference" aus dem englischbuch der 10 klasse fürs gym eine inhaltsangabe geschrieben?
Frage von mausix3 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 08.06.2008 - 19:44

Antwort von GAST | 08.06.2008 - 20:01
ich wais ned ob des hilft.. hab ich im inet halt gefunden:

The story “Making a difference” tells about the case of Anthony Porter. He spends 16 years in prison,
waiting for his execution, because he supposedly killed two teens, Marilyn Green and Jerry Hillard.
Professor David Protess discusses projects with his new journalism class. One sugestion for a project is the case of Anthony Porter.
Five of the students are interested in the case. They interview some friends of the killed teens. One of them is William Taylor, who at first states that he sawAnthony Porter killing the teens.
Then he claims that he hasn’t seen anything, but only said what the police wanted to hear.
The students also talk to Walter Jackson, a friend of Marilyn Green. He sends them to his aunt, Inez Simon, to give her a message – he asks her to tell the truth.
Inez Simon tells the students that Anthony Porter is innocent. It was her husband Alstory Simon who committed the crime. He had been arguing about money with Jerry Hillard. He wanted Jerry to pay for drugs which he had bought from Alstory. Alstory became angry and killed both teenagers.
The students inform the police about Porter’s innocence. Anthony Porter is released from prison 50 hours before his execution. He is pardoned by the governor of Illinois and declares a (ich weiß nicht mehr, wie das hier – Moratorium oder so?) …, stating that all executions in the state won’t take place until the cases are reviewed to ensure that such mistakes will never happen again."

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Antwort von bombi (ehem. Mitglied) | 08.06.2008 - 20:08
ich hab das , :) schon behandelt unit 4 oder`?

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Antwort von mausix3 (ehem. Mitglied) | 08.06.2008 - 20:39
ja. unit 4 ist das :):):)

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