Referat: "Sex and the City" - einer der erfolgreichsten Serien

“Sex and the City”
On Friday, March 27th, 1997, Sarah Jessica Parker met a man named Darren Star. He asked her to play the lead in the new HBO television Series “Sex and the City”. On Monday, the second of June, only two and a half month later, the first day of filming of what would become one of the greatest series ever, began.
Some of the elements of the show are the candid, forthright and intimate friendships of four women.
A feature of this friendship is the fresh voice of a very specific single woman in a very specific city. The heartbreaks, hopes, loneliness and triumphs of beings single and searching for love. And the way in which each of these characters illustrate their love for their home, New York City.
The Beginning
On a small island called Manhattan, not too far away, there lived four smart, beautiful, gorgeous women who were all very good friends.
Carrie Bradshaw played by Sarah Jessica Parker was a journalist who wrote about the battle of the sexes in her popular New York Star column “Sex and the City”.
Charlotte York played by Kristin Davis was an art dealer, who felt the best way to get a man was to play by the rules.
Samantha Jones played by Kim Cattrall was a public relation executive who believed women could have sex like men.
Miranda Hobbes played by Cynthia Nixon was a corporate lawyer, frustrated by the way of dating.
Two of the women were blondes, one was a brunette and one was a redhead. But all four had one thing in common; none of them had found Mr. Right.
These women liked to eat, drink, date and shop, but mainly they liked to talk.
Everyone of them had a different opinion, but everyone was open minded.
They debated a wide variety of hot topics; marriage, divorce, pregnancy, honesty, fidelity, compatibility and commitment. They even got into fights, but when push came to shove, they were always there for one another. Sometimes it was hard to believe four such very different women could mind up friends.
Sarah Jessica Parker
She has been working in film, television and theatre for nearly thirty years. Her film work includes “State and Main”, “Mars Attacks”, “Miami Rhapsody”, “Honeymoon in Vegas” and more. She was born in Nelsonville, Ohio and raised in Cincinnati, she appeared in her first film, at age eight.
She studied ballet with the Cincinnati Ballet and the American Ballet theatre. She is the national ambassador for the U.S. Fund for Unicef.
She has earned three Golden Globe Awards, a SAG Award and five Emmy nominations, for the role of Carrie Bradshaw.
Kristin Davis
She was born in Boulder, Colorado. She grew up in Columbia, South Carolina and received her BFA in acting from Rutgers University. Her breakthrough role was in the long running hit series “Melrose Place”. She has appeared in “Seinfield”, “The Larry Sanders Show” and “ER”. She was guest starred in “Friends” and “Grosse Point”.
Cynthia Nixon
She has appeared in two Broadway plays at the same time; “Hurlyburly” and “The real thing”. Her other Broadway credits include “Angels in America”, “Indiscretions” and “The women”.
She also had a lot of television works.
She has been nominated for two Golden Globes and two Emmy Awards, for her role of Miranda Hobbes.
Kim Cattrall
She was born in Liverpool, England and raised on Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada.
She moved to NY City on her own at age sixteen to attend the American Academy of Dramatic Arts.
Her many blockbuster films include “Police Academy”, “Porky`s”, “Mannequin”, “Masquerade”, “Star Trek 6” and more.
She has also written a book called “Satisfaction; The art of the female Orgasm”.
She received a Golden Globe Award and four Emmy nominations for her role of Samantha Jones.
If you would like to understand “Sex and the City”, you probably have to learn, to love it and watch it. You have to make yourself comfortable, relax and open your mind for new strange, funny things!
I think this is the best way to understand and love the greatest series ever!
Kurze Zusammenfassung der Geschichte / Story, mit den Biographien der Hauptdarsteller und einigen allgemeinen Infos zur Serie. (auf Englisch, ) (753 Wörter)
von unbekannt
Sex and the City | Carrie | Miranda | Charlotte | New York | Referat | Biographie | Summary | Carrie Bradshaw
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