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Referat: American Civil War

Alles zu Landeskunde

American Civil War

first modern mass war
importantst result -> 4 Mio. slaves
political, economical, social differences
south exported sugar cane, tobacco, cotton to north & Europe
depended on north -> finished products, financial and economical services
important for trade
slave keeping farmers -> politics & society… minority
saved loyalty of whites, relating to economical and social system of south
saving inner party bond -> politicians tried to play conflict down
growing opposition movement in north against spread of slavery in territories ->more difficult to prevent conflict
1820 -> Missouri-compromise -> border (36°; 30')
northern -> slavery forbidden
-> conflict protracted
US-borders -> removed to pacific -> conflict started again
1850 -> compromise, which integrated California into union as state, where slavery is forbidden
made two new territories -> Utah, New Mexico
legislative meeting of 2 new territories -> should decide slavery question on their own, if want to join union
nevertheless conflict went on
south of USA -> minority
northeast wanted protective duty to support industrial expansion
federal subsidies for freight traffic, intraregional modernization, solid bank- & currency system
northwest wanted land for new settlements & federal contributions for free
south refused
simultaneous north criticized slavery more
-> conflict intensified
individual states forbidding slavery made laws ->personal freedom to get fugitive Slave Act through
more politicians from north ->no more inclusion of…
conflict set out 1854 -> US – congress passed law -> Kansas & Nebraska
new territories able to decide about slavery
-> republican party founded
-> against slavery

grew very strong till 1856
intermediately….President James Buchanan of democr. party applied for integration of Kansas into union as new individual state with keeping slaves
made north furious
added: law court of USA decided on march 7th 1857 -> constitution wouldn’t allow to forbid slavery
before presidential elections 1860 democr. party split in two pieces
-> nominated John C. Breckinridge
north nominated Stephen Douglas
republican party nominated Abraham Lincoln
against slavery, supported protective duties, federal subsidies for regional modernization
because of split of democr. party A. L. won
victory let south think, that independence from north would be better than political isolation
until march 1861 seven states( South Carolina, Louisiana, Georgia, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Texas) left union
CSA founded
in inaugural speech A. L. said, that he will try to keep southern states
Sugar cane- Zuckerrohr
Finished products-Fertigwaren
Loyalty- Loyalität
inner partial bond- innerparteilicher Zusammenhalt
spread- Ausdehnung
to protract- hinauszögern
legislative- gesetzgebend
protective duties- Schutzzölle
expansion- Erweiterung
Federal subsidies- staatliche Subventionen
freight traffic- Frachtverkehr
currency- Währung
Contributions- Beiträge
Law court- Gerichtshof
Inaugural speech- Antrittsrede
Die Datei ist ein umfassendes Referat über den American Civil War, mit einer Liste der wichtigsten Vokabeln. (Quelle: z.B. Encarta) (429 Wörter)
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