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Charakterliste und deren Rolle des Stückes "Much ado about nothing" von William Shakespeare

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„Much ado about nothing“ by William Shakespeare

The characters’ influences

for the plot:
Witty and clever => brings in humour
Dislikes men and marriage => creates suspense of the plot
Stereotyp for the failure of women (intelligence => failure)

Thinks that he will be the oldest bachelor => entertains audience and brings in the funny part of the male characters
Witty and insulting relationship with Beatrice => his rhetorical and sophisticated skills create suspense
Stereotyp for the failure of men (intelligence => failur)
Suspuciousness and naivety => creates suspense about his marriage with Hero
Him trusting don John => his naivety almost prevents the love between him and Hero
Stereotyp for the romantic hero
Hero’s naivety => source of commotion and is the reason why she is suffering from slander
Part of Don Pedro’s plan => creates suspense about Benedick’s and Beatrice’s relationship
Stereotyp for the romantic heroin
Anger towards Hero and naivety => disgraces her and turns the plot around
Stereotyp for a father figure

Don Pedro
Single/unmarried => tries to match up Benedick and Beatrice and Hero and Claudio (positive intrigues)
Hard to see through => creation of suspense
Proposes to Beatrice => shows that she is interested in marriage
Halfbrother of Don John => creates suspense about don John’s behaviour
Innocent and neutral => tries to help and please everyone
High social standing => underlines the theme “social grace” of the play
Stereotyp for a big brother figure

Don John
Villian of the play => tries to destroy the lifes of the people around him; makes Hero suffer from his slander
Plots to destroy Hero`s and Claudio`s love for each other => creates suspense
His jealousy of Claudio => tries to make him fall out of Don Pedro’s favour to take up his place
Provides crisis => tries to make the play a tradegy
Stereotyp for the villian
Is not that educated => comic relief of the plot, character of the lower class
Chief of the police => finds out about Don John’s intrigue; supports the play to have a happy ending
Stereotyp for a comic relief figure
Diese Hausaufgabe beinhaltet eine Aufzählung der Hauptcharakteren des Shakespeare Stückes "Much ado about nothing" sowie deren Beeinflussung der Handlung des Stückes.
Einzelne Personen werden besprochen und deren Charakterrolle für das Stück analysiert. Außerdem werden die Rollen, die jede Person stereotypisch verkörpert, festgelegt.
Die Hausarbeit ist in keinem ganzen Text verfasst, sondern die Informationen zu jeder Person sind hintereinander gut übersichtlich aufgereiht. (357 Wörter)
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