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Summary "Perks that work" by Robert Burke

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"Perks that work" by Robert Burke

This article is written by Robert Burke from Virginia Business Online and is about firm policies to keep their employees happy.

Jay Doherty of the New York-based human resources firm William M. Mercer Inc. was like that companies are trying anything to retain employees, so they raise salaries, give benefits and offers child care or financial planning.

Technology companies face the tightest labor markets, so they have been the most aggressive in devising ways to keep workers. Perks are great for employees but they should also make sense for the company. Companies have to be careful they don't create a business model that's not profitable moreover they have to be custom-fit to the company and the business sector.
Tim Huval, a general manager or South Dakota-based Gateway's 2,200-employee call center and manufacturing facility in Hampton said, that they keep their workers by making them feel they're part of a special place with a unique culture. They want to hire people that are totally aligned with their values. Honesty, efficiency, aggressiveness, respect, team work, caring, common sense and fun are values that they live by.

People are looking for a place that helps employees cope with problems the face outside the office. That is where companies can build employee loyalty.
Barbara Bailey of William M. Mercer's Richmond Office considered that work-life issues are huge. Companies should make their workers feel as though they're not interested in looking elsewhere, because they're very happy with their life.

Es handelt sich hierbei um eine Zusammenfassung eines Artikels. Wie man seine Mitarbeiter durch Nebenleistungen motiviert und glücklich macht. (254 Wörter)
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