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Facharbeit: If you only Knew by Francine Pascal

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Inna Niedental Arbeit Nr. 4 01.06.05

Reading and Commenting
“If You Only Knew” by Francine Pascal’s

Before I read:
When I read the title “If You Only Knew”, I think that the book is about teenager, about Love Story’s or about the real life. On the Cover picture is a young man to see so it must handle about teenagers. Between the Book I didn’t found any pictures but some extra sites where were used an other write still. On these sites is some extra information about the persons in the book. The book has 10 Chapters. After every Chapter comes this extra site with the information. The Chapters are long and short some chapters have 20 sites. The writing is small. But it’s good to read. This book came out in June 1999 and it is a Bantam Book. How I read in the web that the author, Francine Pascal, had write more Sweet Valley High series. So I think this book is a continuation off this series.

After I read:
The book is about different teenagers that had problems in the love with there partner.
They are more persons play an import role in the story.
The scene often changed in a chapter. Then there start the story about the other persons. The book starts with the main persons Jeremy Aames and Jessica Wakefield. Then come Conner McDermott and Elizabeth Wakefield. Also in the book plays Maria Slater, Tia and Melissa an important role.
Main Part
In the book Melissa did not get the cheerleading captaincy she so desired. Will instead of feeling the need to comfort his girlfriend feels like a trapped animal.
Jeremy really likes Jessica and Jessica likes his but every time Jeremy asks her out, she refuses because she does not want to fuel the rumors that are going around. She finally agrees and goes to a party but unfortunately, for Jess, Melissa and her obnoxious friends appear and try once again to ruin her reputation. Elizabeth and Conner cannot hide their attraction to each other but they might have to because even after being brutally dumped by Conner. Maria still has feelings for him and is trying to get him back-with the help of Elizabeth.

At the beginning of the book, here is what is happening:
-Conner is confused about Liz. -Liz is confused about Conner. -Jeremy thinks Jess hates him. -Jess thinks Jeremy hates her. -Maria thinks Conner wants her back. -Melissa thinks Tia and Jess told on her. -Will never wants to leave Melissa.

At the end of the book, here is what is happening:
-Conner has kissed Liz again. -Jeremy has found out about Jessica's reputation and something bad has happened to his father. -Maria saw Conner and Liz after they kissed and knows something's up. -Will wants to leave Melissa.
III. Give your opinion
I liked this book because I loves books that about teenager and her love problems.
But it was very hard to read because there were so much new words that I does not found in the dictionary. I thing I would recommend this book for older teenagers. Because than it is easier for them to read this book when the have enough working knowledge in English.
I do not read something like this book in German but I wanted I am sure it will be interesting.
Die Datei ist ne Beschreibung und zusammenfassung über das Buch "If you only knew" vom Sweet Valley High verlag! Sprache: Englisch (553 Wörter)
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