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backpacking tour - Erlebnisbericht

Frage: backpacking tour - Erlebnisbericht
(8 Antworten)

Hallo. Ich bin eine echte Niete in Englisch und es werden auch einige was zum Lachen haben. Aber ich muss morgen eine HA abgeben. Wir sollten ein Text schreibe über Erlebnisse einer backpacking tour. Erstmal ist mir nicht vel eingefallen, aber das was ich habe würde ich gerne Korrekturlesen lassen von euch. Wäre echt lieb, wenn sich jmd. durch mein Englisch quält und meine Fehler berichtigt^^

Bin auch für Hinweise und Tipps oder Vorschläge offen.
Danke im Vorraus.

Mein Text:

I want to speak about my last summer holidays. I was going on a backpacking tour.
At first I had not know where I wanted to went, but it was very important for me to far away from home. Furthermore I wanted to gain new experience. My trip began with went by hitch- hike. On the one hand it was very dangerous and I was afraid but on the other hand it was very interested, because I had got to knew new people and had a very nice talk with them.
After a long time I came to my unknown destination. It was India. I never saw this city before.
It was beautiful and first I searched of a place where I can sleep in my tent. As I found a camp site I got to know many new people and made friends with them. It was very excited and we had many fun together. Sometimes we had afraid in the night, because there were many cautions, e.g. local animals. But the others knew what we had to did in such situations. All in all it was a very interested trip and I would make it again, because I had improved my foreign knowledge.
ANONYM stellte diese Frage am 03.12.2008 - 19:03

Antwort von GAST | 03.12.2008 - 19:18
I`d like to report about my last summer holiday. I was going on a backpacking tour.
At first I did not know where I wanted to go,
but it was very important for me that it was a very distant place. Furthermore I wanted to gain new experiences. I started my trip hitch-hiking. On the one hand it was very dangerous and I was afraid but on the other hand it was very interesting, because I got to know new people and had some very nice conversations with them.
After a long time I reached my so far unknown goal: India. I`ve never been to this country before.
It is a beautiful place. First I searched for a place where I could sleep in my tent. After I had found a camp site I got to know many new people and made friends with them. It was very exciting and we had a lot of fun together. Sometimes we were afraid in the night, because there were a lot of dangers, e.g. local animals. But the others knew what we had to do in such a situation. All in all it was a very interesting trip and I would do it again, because I improved my knowledge about foreign cultures.

bei der formulierung mit dem hitch-hiking bin ich mir nich ganz sicher, der rest dürfte aber stimmen :)

Antwort von ANONYM | 03.12.2008 - 19:24
dankeschön, das ist echt lieb von dir^^

Antwort von GAST | 03.12.2008 - 19:25
I`d like to report about my last summer holiday. I have gone on a backpacking tour.
At first I did not know where I wanted to go, but it was very important for me that it was a very distant place.? zu kompliziert und verschleiert geschrieben Further more I wanted to gain new experiences. I started my hitch-hiking trip. On the one hand it was very dangerous and I was afraid but on the other hand it was very interesting, because I got to know new people and had some very nice conversations with them.
After a long time I reached my so far unknown goal: India. I`ve never been to this country before.
It is a beautiful place. First I searched for a place where I could sleep in my tent. After I had found a camp site I got to know many new people and made friends with them? das heisst aber nicht anfreunden!. It was very exciting and we had a lot of fun together. Sometimes we were afraid in the night, because there were a lot of dangers, for example the local animals. But the others knew what we had to do in such a situation. All in all it was a very interesting trip and I would do it again, because I improved my knowledge about foreign cultures.

ein bisschen kurz, aber sonst ok ich hab noch ein paar sachen verändet und etwas zu sätzen kann nicht freunde miteiander machen ...


Antwort von GAST | 03.12.2008 - 19:26
hm... to make friends hab ich auch nachgeguckt, steht aber so im wörterbuch :D

Antwort von GAST | 03.12.2008 - 19:29
to become friends aber nicht make friends...

Antwort von GAST | 03.12.2008 - 19:29


Antwort von GAST | 03.12.2008 - 19:41
ich weiss meine klassenlehrerin hat gesagt das diese seite sehr schlecht sei und oft falsche übersetzungen angeben...einer wollte mal sakko oder so übersetzen und hat ein wort bei leo gefunden welches dann aber richtig übersetzt kondom hieß ...:D

Antwort von GAST | 03.12.2008 - 19:44
hm... steht aber auch in anderen wörterbüchern :(

naja, deine englisch lehrerin wirds wissen, will nich so lange über zwei wörter diskutieren ^^

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