Chapter hill susan king castle
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3 Dokumente und 1 Forumsbeiträge3 Dokumente zum Thema Chapter hill susan king castle:
Two questions about chapter1:
1) There are two examples of a father-son relationship. What are they? What similarities are there? What are differences?
2)The chapter beginns with two deaths and ends with a description of a dead moth. Find out the links! (375 Wörter)
- Why is Kinghsaw not surprised to hear his mother say: "Charles is settling down so happily"?
- Hopper is hardly mentioned in chapter 5 . What effekt dies this have on the reader?
- Compare the descriptions of the wood a) when Kingshaw first enters it / b) just before Hooper appears (416 Wörter)
The function of flashback, how it is done and what topics / themes are presented in chapter 3 (326 Wörter)
1 Forumsbeiträge zum Thema chapter hill susan king castle:
Wie der Betreff schon sagt lesen wia gerade dieses Müllbuch und meine Aufgabe ist es jetzt eine Charakterisierung von Chapter 1-4 von zwei Heinis mit Namen Edmund und Charles zu machen!
Also wenn Ihr etwas nützliches habt imma her damit.