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5 Dokumente und 1 Forumsbeiträge

5 Dokumente zum Thema Opec:

Alle wichtigen Begriffe zum Thema 'Entwicklungsländer': Erste Welt, Zweite Welt, Dritte Welt, Vierte Welt, .. (199 Wörter)
Alle wichtigen Begriffe zum Thema 'Entwicklungsländer' (205 Wörter)
Dies ist ein Referat zum Thema "Welthandel / Weltverkehr". Gliederungspunkte: Wirtschaftsbündnisse, Erdöl als Lebenssaft, Im- und Export von Erdöl, Rohstoff Erdöl, Förderung von Erdöl, Transport von Erdöl, Die OPEC, Welthandelsgüter, Warum Wirtschaftsbündnisse? (1373 Wörter)
This paper deals with the two controversial views, the optimistic and pessimistic side, pertaining to the future of oil. It reveals advatages as well as weak statements of both. Furthermore it applies economic theory, also inform of graphs, to refute or support given standpoints. Additionally, the paper is written according to the rules of Academic writing. (678 Wörter)
This paper deals in detail with SHELLs environment in the oil market and in specific with the question how this company implements its adjusted strategic approaches in order to beneficially use emerging opportunities. This issue is scrutinized from a micro- as well as macroeconomic view, which is always elucidated in correlation with Shell. Initially, emphasis is put on the technological side of the problem, including environmental considerations. Thereafter, a socio-cultural investigation discusses changing demographic factors and their impact on Shell’s strategic decision-making. Wrapping up the foregoing approaches, an economic analysis of the energy market displays the environment, in which Shell has to compete and implement appropriate concepts. Finally, the preceding analyses from different viewpoints lead to a conclusive evaluation of Shell’s market behavior and strategic goals. Furthermore,references and exact citations according to the APP rules are included. Gliederung: Chapter 1: New Technologies: Adaptations to Secure Future Energy Demand Chapter 2: Socio-Cultural Aspects: The “Green Strategy” for The Royal Dutch Shell Group Chapter 3: Economic Analysis: The Energy Market and Shell (Wirtschaft und Recht, ) (7135 Wörter)

1 Forumsbeiträge zum Thema Opec:

kriege gerade mal wieder absolute panik, weil ich nächste woche mündliche abiprüfung in erdkunde habe und als einzige das thema welthandel habe, mich also mit niemandem absprechen kann ... kann mir jemand erklären, was genau die WTO macht (und was die WTO überhaupt genau ist?) und was OPEC ist? *verzweifelt mit hundeblick nach hilfe sucht*
Um die passende kostenlose Hausaufgabe oder Referate über Opec zu finden, musst du eventuell verschiedene Suchanfragen probieren. Generell ist es am sinnvollsten z.B. nach dem Autor eines Buches zu suchen und dem Titel des Werkes, wenn du die Interpretation suchst!