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Oh My Gosh

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0 Dokumente zum Thema Oh My Gosh:

4 Forumsbeiträge zum Thema Oh My Gosh:

Hallo, soll zu folgenden Text eine summary schreiben. Unter dem Text ist meine Summary! Einfach mal korigeiren vielleicht erweitern und unbedingt ein Einleitungssatz schreiben! One day … I went to the supermarket to buy some groceries form y wife. On the way home I stopped at an art gallery where they were holding a pop-art exhibit. Unfortuna..
Summarize this satire! One day … I went to the supermarket to buy some groceries form y wife. On the way home I stopped at an art gallery where they were holding a pop-art exhibit. Unfortunately, the carton of groceries got heavy, and I left them on the floor. Then, being so moved by what I saw, I Left the gallery and went home. “Where are groceri..
Huhu, könntet ihr bitte von dem Text das englisch verbessern, und die deutschen Sätze da ins englische übersetzten wäre echt toll! :) The story had begun with the day; I came to a new School. It was the first day in September. 2008 At first, I was in a boarding School; it was a very bad time for me there. “Wow, who is that? Oh the ugly girl, ha..
HEY! Also weiß einer von euch was das bedeutet, oder hat das einfach keine Bedeutung? ^^
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