Ireland Celtic Tiger
3 Beiträge gefunden:
0 Dokumente und 3 Forumsbeiträge0 Dokumente zum Thema Ireland Celtic Tiger:
3 Forumsbeiträge zum Thema Ireland Celtic Tiger:
könnt ihr mir sagen, was der Celtic Tiger war, und mir vielleicht ein paar Seiten sagen, wo ne Zusammenfassung auf Englisch steht?
The Artikel `the celtic tiger `, written by Bob Simon from the CBS News And Publisher in December 11,2000. The Text deals about the celtic tiger, the Economic change ireland with negative aspects And positive aspects. Ireland is now worlds leading exporter of software And That Country europes with the fastes growing Economy. Today they celtic tiger..
Hi, kann mir mal wer noch was korrigieren:
Summary about the article "Celtic Tiger":
The “Celtic Tiger“ is a synonym of economic upraise. In the 90`s there was an economic upraise due to computer industry and the immigration of people to Ireland. The prices increased dramatically, so the enjoy of coffee and especially house building were ..