Conditional Sentences und past participle
2 Beiträge gefunden:
1 Dokumente und 1 Forumsbeiträge1 Dokumente zum Thema Conditional Sentences und past participle:
Questions and Negations, Word Order, Present Tense, SOME-ANY-ONE, Passive Voice, Past Tense, The Future Tense, Present Perfect Tense, Past Perfect Tense, Conditional (IF – Sentences), Reported (indirekt) Speech, Important to know (Prepositions), Present Participle, Gerund (3350 Wörter)
1 Forumsbeiträge zum Thema Conditional Sentences und past participle:
Ich bräuchte mal eure hilfe..
Hab das schon ewig nicht mehr gemacht und irgendwie bin ich mir unsicher ob das, was ich gemacht habe richtig ist
Change the sentences. Use the past participle unstead of the relative clause
1. The highest amount of unemployment which was found in Britain was in Wales
2. This is because many of the compan..