Mündliche Realschulprüfung in Englisch
Frage: Mündliche Realschulprüfung in Englisch(2 Antworten)
Hallo zusammen ! Habe am 10.04 meine Mündliche Englisch Realprüfung. Werde in den Themen Drugs and Sports, Fitness und Teen Courts abgefragt. Habe mich auch bei einigen Sätzen schon versucht ! Wäre nett, wenn ihr euch das mal anschauen könnt ! Und mir vielleicht bei den anderen Sätzen helfen könnt ! Vielen Dank im Voraus ! ps: Das was ich nach den Stichwörtern geschrieben habe, also das in den Klammern, sind die Sätze ! Also zu den Amanda :Offender (Straffällige) habe ich die Stichwörter, auf meiner Kopie: - would like to say sorry to my parents(I am really sorry for what I did) - didn´t think about what I was doing(The reason for my theft was that I wanted to be like my friends and I wanted them to accept me.) - many girls do that sort of thing - one girl at school threatened me(One of the girls had threatened me and asked me to bring items with the sales tags still on them to prove that she hadn´t paid for them) - wanted to be cool and popular - dumb thing to do(It was dumb but I did it and I´m really sorry) - won´t do it again(once again I am really sorry for stealing the earings and I promise I will never do that again, because now I know my friends don´t do the right thing) Zu den Verteidiger(lawyer) habe ich die Stichwörter: - Amanda not a criminal - admints that she has done wrong - good student works hard at school(She is a very good student. She works hard at school. She plans to go to college and hopes to teach Spanish later on .) - has a job; earns her own money at Jensen´s Pizza House(Amanda works after school at Jensen´s Pizza House for 20 Hours a week and during the summer for 35 hours a week.) - didn´t think about what she was doing(Amanda stole three items from three differnt shops(a bikini and a blue skirt from Qmart, two pairs of earrings from Carter´s and a bottle of Spring Flowers Perfuem from Benett´s) - mistake of so-called friends - caught for the first time - minor offence the prosecutor (Staatsanwalt) - too many thefts in our town every year - can´t tolerate this - young people have to learn that this is no fun - Amanda must be taught a lesson - minor offences must be punished , too the judge (Richter) - theft is something very wrong - write a letter of apology - not allowed back in any of the three stores for two years - do community service for 20 hours during next four weeks: home for disabled people or children´s home the witness (Augenzeugin) - blue skirt and bikini(A Qmart employee saw Amanda going into the ladies´ dressing rooms with a blue skirt and a bikini.) - went into ladies´ dressing rooms - came back carrying only her purse(Amanda left the dressing rooms carrying only her purse.) - couldn´t find the clothes in the dressing rooms(The employee couldn´t find the clothes in the dressing rooms and called security.) - called security - took girl to manager´s office(Amanda was taken to the manager´s office where she broke down.) - found other items with sales tags on in girl´s purse (bottle of perfume, two pairs of earings ) (The police officer asked for identification and found a bottle of Spring Flowers Perfume with a new sales tag. Amanda´s purse was checked and the police officer found two pairs of earrings with sales tags from Carter´s a small boutique. The police officer also found Amanda´s wallet with 85$ in cash. He asked why Amanda hadn´t just paid for the items. Amanda said that she was planning to buy a picture for her parent´s wedding anniversary the following day.) lg.Sabrina |
GAST stellte diese Frage am 01.04.2008 - 17:27 |
Antwort von GAST | 01.04.2008 - 17:51 |
Okay, Schade ! |
Antwort von Grizabella | 01.04.2008 - 19:46 |
The reason for my theft was the wish to be like my friends and I wanted them to accept me One of the girls threatened me and asked me to bring items with the sales tags still on them to prove that she hadn´t paid for them -> versteh ich nicht once again I am really sorry for stealing the earings and I promise I will never do that again, because now I know that my friends don´t act right (nicht immer nur do benutzen) She is a very good student. She works hard at school. She plans to go to college and hopes to teach Spanish later Amanda works at Jensen´s Pizza House after school for 20 Hours a week and during the summer for 35 hours a week. Amanda has stolen three items from three differnt shops(a bikini and a blue skirt from Qmart, two pairs of earrings from Carter´s and a bottle of Spring Flowers Perfuem from Benett´s) the witness (Augenzeugin) The employee couldn´t find the clothes in the dressing rooms and called the (?) security. The police officer asked for identification and found a bottle of Spring Flowers Perfume with a new sales tag. Amanda´s purse was checked and the police officer found two pairs of earrings with sales tags from Carter´s, a small boutique. The police officer also found Amanda´s wallet with 85$ in cash. He asked why Amanda hadn´t just paid for the items. Amanda said that she was planning to buy a picture for her parent´s wedding anniversary the following day. |
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