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Frage: Englisch..kurzer Text Korrekturlesen.
(2 Antworten)

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Hallo Leute :)

Ich schreib Freitag eine Arbeit in Englisch über Diktatur und Massenmanipulation.
WÄr lieb wenn ihr den kurzen Text einmal lest & verbessert..Falls jemandem noch was einfällt für den Text,dann bitte sagen :)

To much discipline and obedience can lead to a dictatorship. In a dictatorship the pupil have to obey the leader and have to carry out the commands from the leader.
Dictatorship means group pressure because everyone has to do the same. They have no own opinion and are dependent on the leader. It`s total manipulation of the mass...

Ich glaub der Text ist grauenvoll :(
Frage von *jojo* (ehem. Mitglied) | am 27.02.2008 - 17:07

Antwort von GAST | 27.02.2008 - 17:12
too much discipline and obedience can lead to a dictatorship.
in a dictatorship the people/subjects (geht beides) have to obey the leader and carry out his commands. dictatorship means group pressure (meinst du peer pressure?) because everyone has to do the same. they are not allowed to have an own opinion and are controlled by the leader. It is a total mass manipulation.
hoffe das hilft :)

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Antwort von *jojo* (ehem. Mitglied) | 27.02.2008 - 19:34
Danke,ja das hilft mir :)

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