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<Sicko> : Summary korrigieren

Frage: <Sicko> : Summary korrigieren
(6 Antworten)

ich hab mein sickodings jetzt selber geschrieben und wollte fragen ob es mir jemand bitte bitte korrigieren könnte!? *liebschau*

dankeschööön sunny

Some weeks ago I have seen the film „Sicko“, produced by Michael Moore.
In this documentation the producer wants to show the problems in the American health system. And to my mind there are not just problems in this system, it is more a big disaster.
How could it be, that a man who has insurance, has to decide which finger he want to save after an accident because there is not enough money for saving both fingers?
Or where is the justice, when the husband of a nurse suffers from a cancer and the insurance does not pay the important medicine? That all happens day by day in the big, great, beautiful America, where everybody is happy and glad, but nearly nobody knows how to pay the doctor when he has a simple flu.
The film was so unbelievable; I had to hide my tears because of the many victims of the American health system.
The best thing Michael Moore could ever do was to visit European countries and to explore their treatment with sick people. The difference was incredible. Rich people, poor people, old people and fat people can come into a hospital and they all get a very well treatment. In America you have to be rich to get a new kidney if you need one or like the example I mentioned: a new finger. If you have not the right body or age or whatever for a good and partly fair insurance you will die or after treatment in hospital you will live under the next bridge, because you cannot pay it and you must get into debt!
We all should thank God for our health system and should be proud that a fractured bone is not a financial disaster.
GAST stellte diese Frage am 13.01.2008 - 22:26

Antwort von GAST | 13.01.2008 - 22:38
keiner mal drüber lesen? :(

Antwort von GAST | 13.01.2008 - 22:49
zeile 5: How CAN it be... he wants...
zeile 7: or where is the jusice=or is it fair
zeile 19 : youl will live under the next bridge=you will be poor

das würde ich ändern ansonsten finde ich es gut

Antwort von GAST | 13.01.2008 - 22:51
dankeschön, wenigstens einer *stein vom herzen fällt*

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Antwort von Double-T | 13.01.2008 - 23:03
Meine Vorschläge. :)

Some weeks ago I have seen the film „Sicko“, produced by Michael Moore. In this documentation the producer wants to show the flaws in the American health system. And to my mind there are not just flaws in this system, it is more a big disaster.
How could it be, that a man who has insurance, has to decide which finger he want to save after an accident because there is not enough money for saving both fingers?
Or where is the justice, when the husband of a nurse suffers from a cancer and the insurance does not pay the needed medicine? That all happens day by day in [...] big, great, beautiful America, where everybody is happy and glad, but nearly nobody knows how to pay the doctor if he has a simple flu.
The film was so unbelievable; I had to hide my tears because of the big amount of victims - victims of the American health system.
The best thing Michael Moore could ever do was to visit European countries and to explore their treatment with sick people. The difference was incredible. Rich people, poor people, old people and fat people can come into a hospital and they all are treated pretty well. In America you have to be rich to get a new kidney if you need one or like the example I mentioned: a new finger. If you have not got the right body or age or whatever for a good and partly fair insurance you will die or after treatment in hospital you will not be able to pay for it, so you must get into debt!
We all should thank God for our health system and should be proud that a fractured bone is not a financial disaster.

Antwort von GAST | 13.01.2008 - 23:07
hey dankeschööön :) sehr lieb von dir... dann werd ich das mal so auswendig lernen gehen... tschööö

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Antwort von Kitty2509 (ehem. Mitglied) | 13.01.2008 - 23:38
sorry, is zwar etwas spät, aber ich habs trotzdem nochmal bearbeitet. Willst du das so in einer Klausur schreiben? Dann wünsch ich dir viel Glück. Hier meine Überarbeitung:
Some weeks ago I saw the film „Sicko“, produced by Michael Moore, in which it is about the problems in the American health system. In my opinion ( einen satz nicht mitAND, OR, BUT anfangen,dass zieht den Stik nach unten) there are not just “problems” in this system, it is a far bigger disaster which becomes clear during the film.
How can it be, that a man who has insurance, must decide which finger he wants to save after having an accident, because there is not enough money to save both fingers?
Another fact that bothers me is the missing justice when for example, the husband of a nurse suffers from cancer and the insurance company does not pay the important medicine? That all happens day by day in big, great, beautiful America, where everybody is happy and glad, but nearly nobody knows how to pay the doctor in case he has a simple flu.
The film was so unbelievable; I had to hide my tears because of the many victims suffering from the American health system.
The best thing Michael Moore could ever do was to visit European countries and to explore their treatment with sick people. The difference was incredible. Rich people, poor people, old people and fat people can come into a hospital and they all get a very well treatment. In America you have to be rich to get a new kidney if you need one or like the example I mentioned: a new finger. If you have not the right body or age or whatever for a good and partly fair insurance you will die or after a treatment in hospital you will have to live under the next bridge, because you cannot pay it and you must get into debt!
We all should thank God for our health system and should be proud that a fractured bone is not a financial disaster.

LG ~kitty~

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