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The Warden-Now It´s My Turn !

Frage: The Warden-Now It´s My Turn !
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Imagen you are the Warden. You know that there will be a court case against you soon. The puplic has read about Camp Green Lake Now you want people to know understand your side of the story. From the Warden´s point of view, write a letter to the editor of newspaper The Texas Gazette in which you attempt to justify what happened there.

In order to write the letter you might have t supply some information which is not givven in the novel. However, you description should be based on what you know about her.
Come to a conclusion about whether the Warden fells guilty or not about what she has done in Camp Green Lake.

kann mir einer helfen? Ich weiß wirklich nicht was ich schreiben soll ...?!..... DANKE schon mal im vorraus :-*
GAST stellte diese Frage am 10.01.2008 - 19:09

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