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Frage: Text korrigieren
(7 Antworten)

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Hier der Text bitte korrigieren habs nit so mit Zeiten etc :P

In my opinion you shouldn`t take this poem very seriously.
No normal child would take a machinegun and kill someone.
Brian Patten probably only describes memories of his childhoof. The bad crme which Jhonny did is perhaps only a synonym for something what Patten did in his childhood and what he found very bad(ly)?. Possibly (Möglicherweise?) he didn`t dare to tell his parents about and so he was hiding somehwere but he alway was afraid that his parents would find out where he was and was he did.
Frage von Summer1990 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 22.08.2007 - 20:36

Antwort von GAST | 22.08.2007 - 20:41
satz muss auf jeden fall what he did und niocht was he did:D

Antwort von GAST | 22.08.2007 - 20:41
In my opinion you shouldn`t take this poem very seriously. No normal child would make use of a machinegun in order to kill someone.
Brian Patten might only describe his childhood memories.
The terrible crime, which Jhonny commited might only be an equivalent for something, that Patten did in his own childhood and that he regrets by now.
Maybe he didn`t dare to tell his parents about it and due to this fact he was hiding the whole time being afraid that his parents find out
about the whole situation.

so in die richtung würd ich das schreiben!

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Antwort von Summer1990 (ehem. Mitglied) | 22.08.2007 - 20:43
dankeeschön.. ups ja im letzen satz das sollte heißen what he did nicht was :P

Antwort von GAST | 22.08.2007 - 20:43
ich hab aber relativ viel umgewandelt
schau mal obs dir noch gefällt ^^

Antwort von GAST | 22.08.2007 - 20:44
that his parents ---> would <--- find out

sorry das hatte ich im letzten satz falsch ^^

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Antwort von Summer1990 (ehem. Mitglied) | 22.08.2007 - 20:49
jaa hört sich super an nicht sooft perhaps and did... thank you :)

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Antwort von Double-T | 22.08.2007 - 20:51
In my opinion the poem is meant to be ironical, because no regular child would take a machinegun to kill anyone.
Brian Patten probably only describes memories of his own childhood. The bad crime which Jhonny committed is perhaps only a synonym for something what Patten did when he was young that he regrets because it was not right. Maybe he did not dare to tell his parents about it. For that reason he was hiding, but always afraid of his parents finding out where he was and did.

bloß ein versuch ._.

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