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Suche e-Bass Tabs für `Killing me softly`

Frage: Suche e-Bass Tabs für `Killing me softly`
(8 Antworten)

Hi, ich zwar schon ne ganze weile im internet gesucht hab aber leider keine e-bass tabs für killing me softly von fugees gefunden.
falls die hier jemand hat dann bitte an meine email adresse schicken, oder halt schnell selber tabben wers drauf hat ;-)

MfG, Norbi
GAST stellte diese Frage am 29.06.2007 - 15:40

Antwort von GAST | 29.06.2007 - 15:49
auf geguckt?

Antwort von GAST | 29.06.2007 - 17:40
Ja da steht dass alle tabs von den fugees gelöscht wurden...

Antwort von GAST | 29.06.2007 - 17:41
Ist das nicht von Roberta Flack oder so?

Beiträge 1235
Antwort von jjf88 | 29.06.2007 - 17:43
jo, die fugees ham das von roberta flack gecovert und das original gefällt mir um einiges besser

Antwort von GAST | 29.06.2007 - 17:45
mh sorry ich hab nur iwo die klaviernoten rumfliegen... steht da sowas mit drauf ne oder? - kenn mich net so wirklich damit aus...

Antwort von GAST | 29.06.2007 - 17:47
Ich kann dir Akkorde (für die Gitarre) abtippen ;)

Antwort von GAST | 29.06.2007 - 17:54
Killing Me Softly With His Song
( Roberta Flack )
em am7
Strumming my pain with his fingers,
D7 Gmaj7
Singing my life with his words,
em A7
Killing me softly with his song,
Killing me softly with his song,
Telling my whole life with his words,
Fmaj7 E
Killing me softly with his song ...

am7 D G C
I heard he sang a good song, I heard he had a style.
am7 D em
And so I came to see him to listen for a while.
am7 D7 G B7
And there he was this young boy, a stranger to my eyes.

em am7
Strumming my pain with his fingers,
D7 Gmaj7
Singing my life with his words,
em A7
Killing me softly with his song,
Killing me softly with his song,
Telling my whole life with his words,
Fmaj7 E
Killing me softly with his song ...

I felt all flushed with fever, embarrassed by the crowd,
I felt he found my letters and read each one out loud.
I prayed that he would finish but he just kept right on ...

em am7
Strumming my pain with his fingers,
D7 Gmaj7
Singing my life with his words,
em A7
Killing me softly with his song,
Killing me softly with his song,
Telling my whole life with his words,
Fmaj7 E
Killing me softly with his song ...

He sang as if he knew me in all my dark despair.
And then he looked right through me as if I wasn`t there.
But he just came to singing, singing clear and strong.

em am7
Strumming my pain with his fingers,
D7 Gmaj7
Singing my life with his words,
em A7
Killing me softly with his song,
Killing me softly with his song,
Telling my whole life with his words,
Fmaj7 E
Killing me softly with his song ...

He was strumming, oh, he was singing my song.
Killing me softly with his song,
Killing me softly with his song,
Telling my whole life with his words,
Killing me softly with his song ...
With his song ...

Das ist das Lied abgetippt.
Alle Strophen haben die gleichen Akkordwechsel wie die 1..
Beim Outro bin ich mir nicht sicher, wie es aussieht, das ist nicht im Buch drin.

Antwort von GAST | 29.06.2007 - 18:05
Naja die Akkorde sind verrutscht...

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