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Korrekturlesen bitte

Frage: Korrekturlesen bitte
(3 Antworten)

hallo @ all
kann mal jemand gucken ob das alles grammatisch ect.
richtig ist?
Today I`m going to present you my book Abomination which is written by Robert Swindells.

The problem is that Martha`s parents are not allowed to get to now that she has got a friend. So they have to meet in secret. One day Scott knocks on Martha`s door, when her parents have to work. She is shocked because he is not allowed to find out about the Abomination. She let him inside the house and he heard something crying. Martha had no other choice but throwing him out. A few days later she decides to tell him the truth, because she doesn`t know what to do with this secret.
Now I want to read out the place where she is telling him the truth. P.69/70 Who or what the Abomination is you will know when you read this book!

And for people who don`t enjoy reading this book is perfect, because it is not to long.

Ach das ist meine buchvorstellung aber nicht ganz vollständig, ( hier bin ich mir nämlich nicht ganz sicher ob das so richtig ist) danke schon mal
GAST stellte diese Frage am 12.06.2007 - 15:29

Antwort von GAST | 12.06.2007 - 15:41
hier niemand der gutes englisch kann?

Antwort von GAST | 12.06.2007 - 15:42
Hab mal alles korrigiert, das mir beim Überfliegen deines Textes aufgefallen ist:

Today I`m going to present my book "Abomination" which is written by Robert Swindells.

(Man fängt nicht direkt mit "das Problem ist ..." an, da fehlt eine angemessene Einleitung!)
The book deals with Martha`s familiar problems and the difficulties there are because her parents should not get to know that she has got a boyfriend. The two of they have to meet in secretly. One day Scott knocks on Martha`s door, when her parents are at work. She is shocked because he is not allowed to find out about the Abomination. She lets him inside the house and he hears something crying. Martha has no other choice but throwing him out. A few days later she decides to tell him the truth because she doesn`t know what to do with her secret.

nd now I want to read out the extract in which she is telling him the truth. (Seitenangaben interessieren glaube ich nicht.. P.69/70)
Who or what the Abomination is you will know after reading this book!

The book is perfect for people who don`t enjoy reading because it is not too long. ^^

Deine eigene Meinung zu dem Buch fehlt noch & evtl. solltest du auch noch 2-3 Sätze über den Autor sagen. ;D

Beiträge 0
Antwort von sanmox (ehem. Mitglied) | 01.11.2008 - 11:02
hi , ich schreibe am montag eine arbeit über dieses blöde buch , habe es schon 1 mal durchgelesen aber verstehe nicht richtig worum es dort geht , kann jemand bitte auf deutsch zusammenfassen oder so?

danke schon mal

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