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Frage: text korrigieren
(1 Antwort)

Hallo,ich muss einen einleitungstext für eine diskussion schreiben.wäre lieb wenn mal jemand schauen könnte,ob man das alles so schreiben kann,oder was man besser schreiben könnte.klingt nämlich voll komisch ^^

My name is Theresa Ruhl and I am from Germany.
I lost my job last year,because the immigrants work for fewer money and so we have to go. I have search for a new job for a lot of months,but until today I don’t found anything and that is all because of the immigrants. There are to much. Some of them don’t want to work,but they get work. And I want to work and I got nothing. I am the opinion that immigrants who don’t want to work and Don’t integreate to Germany, have to go back to their homecountry.
GAST stellte diese Frage am 28.02.2007 - 23:47

Beiträge 6266
Antwort von Double-T | 01.03.2007 - 00:06
My name is Theresa Ruhl and I am from Germany. I lost my job last year,
because the immigrants work for fewer money and so they are taking our places. I have searched for a new job for a long time, but until today I have not found any and that is only because of the immigrants. There are just to many. Some of them do not even want to work, but anyhow they get a job. And I really want to work, but I am not able to find some - there are not enough places. In my opinion those immigrants who do not want to work and Do not integreate into german culture, got to go back to their homecountry.

Meine Änderungsvorschläge sind gekennzeichnet :)

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