Verschiedene Zeiten - A mixed bag of tenses...
Frage: Verschiedene Zeiten - A mixed bag of tenses...(10 Antworten)
Hi Leute also es geht darum die Verben in Klammern in der richtigen Zeit einzusetzen.Alle Zeiten sowie Passiv und Akitv sin möglich! Ih rkönnt mir ja mal helfen/sagen ob das stimmt......Die Verben die ich eingesetzt habe habe ich jetzt mal fett geschrieben! 1. 2. The Americans were succeed (succeed). But since then many others predictions hadn`t been come true(not come). 3. In 1966, 27 zop scientists claimed(claim) that bye 1980 people have worked(work) on the moon and by the year 2000 passengers .......(fly) to the moon as tourists. 4. This hasn`t happened(not happen) yet 5. In 1945 after the Second World War, many experts believed (believe) we ......(need) so much energy in the future that by 1975 aoll our oil will run out (run out) (Keine ahnung ich hab da mal futur genommen weil die das ja damals für die zukunft gedacht haben hab abe rkein plan was da hin muss^^) 6. In the 1950s a nuclear power programme started (start) 7. In the 1960s predictions made (make) that the world .......(destroy) by a nuclear war. 8. 50% of young people in Britain for example, thaught (think) at the time that a nuclear war will break out (break out) in the next few years. 9. The 1970s gave (give) us the computer revolution. 10. Experts told (tell) us that soon people will work (work) for only 20 hours a week. 11. Nobody ....(read) books or magazines any more. 12. instead we will buy (buy) video books. 13. As we .....(come) to the 20th century we became (become) worried about the environemnt. 14. Today many people believe (believe) the earth is in danger and terribvle changes will happen (happen) within the next twenty or thrity years. 15. As with all predictions some developments ...(take place) and others ...(not happen) ich hoffe mir kann jemand helfen ;-) freue mich über jede antwort glg |
GAST stellte diese Frage am 08.10.2006 - 14:05 |
Antwort von GAST | 08.10.2006 - 14:17 |
ich liebe englisch zwar über alles, bin aber nicht so doll ![]() na ja, mal sehn.. The American John F. 2. The Americans succeed (succeed). But since then many others predictions didn`t come (?) true(not come). 3. In 1966, 27 zop scientists claimed(claim) that bye 1980 people have worked(work) on the moon and by the year 2000 passengers will fly (?) (fly) to the moon as tourists. 4. This hasn`t happened(not happen) yet--> weiß nicht, klingt komisch 5. In 1945 after the Second World War, many experts believed (believe) we will need --> auch nicht so sicher(need) so much energy in the future that by 1975 aoll our oil will run out (run out) (Keine ahnung ich hab da mal futur genommen weil die das ja damals für die zukunft gedacht haben hab abe rkein plan was da hin muss^^) 6. In the 1950s a nuclear power programme started (start) 7. In the 1960s predictions made (make) that the world will be destroyed ? (destroy) by a nuclear war. 8. 50% of young people in Britain for example, thaught (think) at the time that a nuclear war will break out (break out) in the next few years. 9. The 1970s gave (give) us the computer revolution. 10. Experts told (tell) us that soon people will work (work) for only 20 hours a week. 11. Nobody .... (read) books or magazines any more. (zusammenhang? 12. instead we will buy (buy) video books. 13. As we came (come) to the 20th century we became (become) worried about the environemnt. 14. Today many people believe (believe) the earth is in danger and terribvle changes will happen (happen) within the next twenty or thrity years. 15. As with all predictions some developments take place (take place) and others won`t happen? (not happen) wie gesagt: bin auch nicht doll in englisch (merkt man sicher ![]() |
Antwort von GAST | 08.10.2006 - 14:18 |
2. The Americans succeedED (succeed). But since then many others predictions didn`t come (?) true(not come).übersehen^^.. oder ist kein fehler und mein hirn spinnt schon wieder ![]() |
Antwort von GAST | 08.10.2006 - 14:19 |
also iwie klingt das auch falsch.. ah, keine ahnung.. sry, da musst du dir nen profi suchen ![]() |
Antwort von Katha15 (ehem. Mitglied) | 08.10.2006 - 14:22 |
also das was sie da geschrieben hat is schon richtig, also dieser eine satz! ist ja mit since und since ist doch son signalwort für diese zeit da! |
Antwort von GAST | 08.10.2006 - 14:23 |
*eigentlich auch keine ahnung hab* aber war`s nicht so, dass bei since und for das present perfect kam ^^ |
Antwort von Subbie (ehem. Mitglied) | 08.10.2006 - 14:23 |
so ich machs ma richtig =) Amerikaner am start :> 1. The American John F. Kennedy promised (promise) that by the end of the 1960s a man have stood (stand) on the moon. 2. The Americans succeeded (succeed). But since then many others predictions hadn`t come true(not come). 3. In 1966, 27 top scientists claimed (claim) that by 1980 people will work (work) on the moon and by the year 2000 passengers would fly(fly) to the moon as tourists. 4. This hasn`t happened(not happen) yet 5. In 1945, after the Second World War, many experts believed (believe) we would need (need) so much energy in the future that by 1975 all our oil would have run out (run out) 6. In the 1950s a nuclear power programme started (start) 7. In the 1960s predictions were made (make) that the world would be destroyed(destroy) by a nuclear war. 8. 50% of young people in Britain, for example, thought (think) at the time that a nuclear war would break out (break out) in the next few years. 9. The 1970s gave (give) us the computer revolution. 10. Experts told (tell) us that soon people would work (work) for only 20 hours a week. 11. Nobody would read (read) books or magazines any more. 12. instead we would buy (buy) video books. 13. As we came(come) to the 20th century we became (become) worried about the environemnt. 14. Today many people believe (believe) the earth is in danger and terrible changes will happen (happen) within the next twenty or thirty years. 15. As with all predictions some developments will take place(take place) and others won`t happen(not happen) |
Antwort von Subbie (ehem. Mitglied) | 08.10.2006 - 14:24 |
nr 1 "will have stood" sorrü ^.^ |
Antwort von Subbie (ehem. Mitglied) | 08.10.2006 - 14:25 |
nr 2 "haven`t come true" sachma.. wieso gibts eigentlich keien editierfunktion =( |
Antwort von GAST | 08.10.2006 - 14:26 |
na dann hab ich ja ne schöne scheiße erzählt ![]() @subbie: jetzt weiß ich an wen ich mich wenden kann, ne? ![]() |
Antwort von GAST | 08.10.2006 - 14:28 |
1. The American John F. Kennedy promised (promise) that by the end of the 1960s a man have stood (stand) on the moon muss es da nicht had stood sein?! sonst is alles perfekt denk ich |
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